Nonary / PlayNiteWatcher

Configure Steam/PlayNite Games to launch and terminate with Sunshine as well as automatically end streams when a game closes.
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Playnite Stays Full-screen adter manually closing in end session seting #16

Open Phantom2332 opened 4 weeks ago

Phantom2332 commented 4 weeks ago

Hi,dunno if it´s intended to work like this, every other case works fine,but shouldn't the disconnect sesion also end the program?

Currently it only works by switching to desktop or closing the program (that exits the stream).

Nonary commented 3 weeks ago

In full-screen mode, the stream doesn't end when you quit a game. Instead, it only stops if you exit full-screen mode or manually close it on the Moonlight app. This change was made based on feedback about the original version, which used to close the stream automatically whenever a game ended. Users preferred keeping the stream open in full-screen mode until they chose to close it themselves.

Phantom2332 commented 3 weeks ago

Ending the stream manually doesn't stop the application for me,it works like you mentioned, quitting the game ends the stream and not the other way around 🧐