General :
Introduction of the ability to run with more complex atmospheric gas-phase chemistry. This PR goes together with a separate PR for CAM and one for NorESM.
The main changes are related to :
calculation of aerosol surface density used in heterogeneous chemistry (aero_model.F90)
calculation of aerosol number concentration which can be called for chemical q instead of physical q (oslo_aero_share.F90)
not writing anymore oxidant climatologies which are not used (mo_gas_phase_chemdr.F90). The namelist variable modal_strat_sulfate is used to distinguish.
allowing DMS emissions from file (e.g., biomass burning), in addition to interactive emissions from ocean (mo_srf_emissions.F90 and oslo_aero_ocean.F90)
General : Introduction of the ability to run with more complex atmospheric gas-phase chemistry. This PR goes together with a separate PR for CAM and one for NorESM.
The main changes are related to :