NorthConcepts / DataPipeline-Examples

DataPipeline Examples
Apache License 2.0
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DataPipeline Examples

This repo contains DataPipeline's Java code examples. These are the same examples you get when you download DataPipeline and requires a license to run.

DataPipeline License

  1. You can get your free trial license here:
  2. Once you receive your license by email, place the attached NorthConcepts-DataPipeline.license file from the email into the src/main/resources folder.
  3. Start running the examples.

Setting up development environment

Developers on Windows need to

  1. Have the HADOOP_HOME environment variable set
  2. Add %HADOOP_HOME%\bin to PATH in my environment variable

See the following info:

Running Examples

This repo relies on the Gradle tool for build automation. It also contains project files for the Eclipse IDE.


Inside Eclipse, you can right-click any example and select Run As --> Java Application.

Command Line / Gradle

You can also run examples with the following Gradle command. Just replace com.northconcepts.datapipeline.examples.cookbook.WriteACsvFileToFixedWidth with the example you want to run.

./gradlew run --quiet -PclassToExecute="com.northconcepts.datapipeline.examples.cookbook.WriteACsvFileToFixedWidth"


Most examples read from the example/data/input folder and write to example/data/output.

DataPipeline Resources