NorthernMan54 / homebridge-cmd-television

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TV or Apple TV? #20

Open UKenGB opened 1 year ago

UKenGB commented 1 year ago

I was under the impression that when 'TV' is mentioned in the instructions/Wiki, it actually means Apple TV, but then talks about the command being run 'when changing inputs'. Since an ATV only has a single input, I am now puzzled.

Is this plug-in solely to do with the Apple TV, in which case, why mention changing inputs? Or if it is somehow associated with some other actual TV, then how? I see no reference to any other device.

Some clarification on the above would be appreciated.

Can I assume I can install additional accessories to access multiple Apple TVs? Obviously would need to point to the relevant credentials files.

UKenGB commented 1 year ago

In answer to myself, in case it helps anyone else:-

Although the plug-in was likely developed for TVs, it can be utilised to control an Apple TV using pyatv. So if setting up for Apple TV, any references to regular TV stuff can be ignored and it does seem to work pretty well. Still sucks that Apple refuse to allow any control of the AppleTV in HomeKit (or any TVs in third party HomeKit apps).

Just install multiple accessories to control multiple AppleTVs. However remember that last point. TP apps such as Controller canNOT access these Homebridged Apple TVs in any way as they are presented as a TV and Apple refuse to allow anyone else to control TVs.

Sometimes the decision makers at Apple make bizarre decisions that have huge (negative) ramifications for those of us just trying to use Apple kit, as Apple tell us it can and should be used.