NorthernMan54 / node-red-contrib-homebridge-automation

Homebridge and Node-RED Integration
Apache License 2.0
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Can't find homebridge #101

Open mazzarin opened 2 years ago

mazzarin commented 2 years ago

I'm having trouble setting up this plug-in. The error I receive is as follows: 2/12/2022, 11:01:05 PMnode: d503c33b6a02dd0a msg : string[22] "437:Can't find device "

This plugin is running alongside node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket, which appears to be working fine.

I've restarted Node-red and homebridge, in case that caused an issue.

Structurally, it's set up like this: Raspberry Pi running Raspbian

I inputted the homekit code shown on the homebridge dashboard into the PIN field for the status component.

I've gone through the instructions a couple of times. My remaining thought is because the NodeRed docker is on the Docker bridge network, it's not seeing homebridge. The HA plugin I was able to specify the IP address which may have helped.

Any advice on where to look?

NorthernMan54 commented 2 years ago

If it can find homebridge, you should have the device drop down populated with your devices. If not its likely a docker issue or ???

GFJHogue commented 2 years ago

I ran into this issue, too - I could not see any devices populated in the dropdown. Also running Node-Red on Docker.

Setting the Node-Red container's network_mode to host upon creation solved this for me. To do this, I added --network host to the docker run ... command. Thanks to this comment