NorthernMan54 / node-red-contrib-homebridge-automation

Homebridge and Node-RED Integration
Apache License 2.0
107 stars 18 forks source link

Native HK Devices Missing #117

Open whreams opened 5 months ago

whreams commented 5 months ago

Current Situation

Newly configured. I can see plug-in devices via homebridge, but do not see native homekit devices in the drop down. Seems like a bridge is missing?


Nest] initing thermostat (P) "3rd Floor Thermostat": deviceId: 44BB3B00003E9D0C structureId: 8675e100-a38c-11e6-8b72-22000b3f04ab
[3rd Floor Thermostat@@Heating Threshold Temperature] characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 10
[1/30/2024, 1:00:25 AM] [Nest] initing thermostat (P) "2nd Floor Thermostat": deviceId: 44BB3B00003E9B95 structureId: 8675e100-a38c-11e6-8b72-22000b3f04ab
[2nd Floor Thermostat@@Heating Threshold Temperature] characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 10
[1/30/2024, 1:00:25 AM] [Nest] initing home_away_sensor "Home Occupied": deviceId: 8675e100-a38c-11e6-8b72-22000b3f04ab structureId: 8675e100-a38c-11e6-8b72-22000b3f04ab
[1/30/2024, 1:06:21 AM] [Homebridge UI] [homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap] Incoming Request: /search
[1/30/2024, 1:06:22 AM] [Homebridge UI] [homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap] Incoming Request: /connect
[1/30/2024, 1:06:22 AM] [Homebridge UI] [homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap] Got request to connect 06804C1F at  with secrets {"bridgeid":"06804C1F","ca":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICGTCCAcCgAwIBAgIBATAKBggqhkjOPQQDAjCBgzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxFTAT\nBgNVBAgTDFBlbm5zeWx2YW5pYTEUMBIGA1UEBxMLQ29vcGVyc2J1cmcxJTAjBgNV\nBAoTHEx1dHJvbiBFbGVjdHJvbmljcyBDby4sIEluYy4xIDAeBgNVBAMTF1NtYXJ0\nQnJpZGdlNjQ4Q0JCRUU4MUEzMB4XDTE1MTAzMTAwMDAwMFoXDTM1MTAyNjAwMDAw\nMFowgYMxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRUwEwYDVQQIEwxQZW5uc3lsdmFuaWExFDASBgNV\nBAcTC0Nvb3BlcnNidXJnMSUwIwYDVQQKExxMdXRyb24gRWxlY3Ryb25pY3MgQ28u\nLCBJbmMuMSAwHgYDVQQDExdTbWFydEJyaWRnZTY0OENCQkVFODFBMzBZMBMGByqG\nSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHA0IABHcGd/75qTnaMBM4bNFBssdiqdRD3a3MVbGYjMWK\nyI7MUc1PpfSS6MWQtmgFeENJ0kx8wHz2eQx8hjBlb5mqDR+jIzAhMA4GA1UdDwEB\n/wQEAwIBvjAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MAoGCCqGSM49BAMCA0cAMEQCIAXxF59M\nQE9PioC8uDTQ+Wp7i28apVwx62GEVGPipiq4AiALDV48dbXttJTg2aR8H9Dy94Uv\nmL7wIj8z/dYaX5eOpQ==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nsQ/sh0oQ0oEIvwHMv9rkIgfJP291Vfn0rILXsg==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","key":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\r\noNM7rjxBiZaNQ36Ae1UkYOGHbqljAuDKpUf/oTUpfHesEAXCHSJkZg==\r\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n"}
[1/30/2024, 1:06:22 AM] [Homebridge UI] [homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap] client connected to 06804C1F
[1/30/2024, 1:08:25 AM] [Nest] Reauthenticating on Nest service ...
[1/30/2024, 1:08:25 AM] [Nest] Auth failed: access token specified in Homebridge configuration rejected
[1/30/2024, 1:08:26 AM] [Nest] API observe: error not_connected
[1/30/2024, 1:08:26 AM] [Nest] ^^^^^ this message is for information only, it does not mean there is a problem, please do not file a ticket unless you actually have a problem with the function of the plug-in
[1/30/2024, 1:08:26 AM] [Nest] Retrying in 10 seconds.
[1/30/2024, 1:10:32 AM] [Homebridge UI] Running job to cleanup config.json backup files older than 60 days...
[1/30/2024, 2:15:41 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F already known, will skip setup.
[1/30/2024, 2:15:41 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F entering reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 2:15:41 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F exit reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 2:15:46 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F already known, will skip setup.
[1/30/2024, 2:15:46 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F entering reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 2:15:47 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F exit reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 3:36:54 AM] [Homebridge UI] Running scheduled instance backup...
[1/30/2024, 3:36:54 AM] [Homebridge UI] Creating temporary backup archive at /var/folders/v3/f6403f250tlc30fvvwdv53y00000gn/T/homebridge-backup-3MhoVQ/homebridge-backup-0E5C32A0E2C7.tar.gz
[1/30/2024, 3:40:06 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F already known, will skip setup.
[1/30/2024, 3:40:06 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F entering reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 3:40:06 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F exit reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 7:01:55 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F already known, will skip setup.
[1/30/2024, 7:01:55 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F entering reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 7:01:55 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F exit reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 11:30:45 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F already known, will skip setup.
[1/30/2024, 11:30:45 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F entering reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 11:30:46 AM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F exit reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 2:18:41 PM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F already known, will skip setup.
[1/30/2024, 2:18:41 PM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F entering reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 2:18:41 PM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F exit reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 4:16:01 PM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F already known, will skip setup.
[1/30/2024, 4:16:01 PM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F entering reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 4:16:01 PM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F exit reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 8:37:47 PM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F already known, will skip setup.
[1/30/2024, 8:37:47 PM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F entering reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 8:37:47 PM] [Lutron] Bridge 06804C1F exit reconfiguration
[1/30/2024, 10:30:03 PM] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge restart request received
[1/30/2024, 10:30:03 PM] [Homebridge UI] UI / Bridge settings have not changed; only restarting Homebridge process
[1/30/2024, 10:30:03 PM] [Homebridge UI] Sending SIGTERM to Homebridge
[1/30/2024, 10:30:03 PM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge...
[1/30/2024, 10:30:08 PM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Process Ended. Code: 143, Signal: null
[1/30/2024, 10:30:14 PM] [HB Supervisor] Restarting Homebridge...
[1/30/2024, 10:30:14 PM] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I
[1/30/2024, 10:30:14 PM] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.7.0 with PID: 64413
[1/30/2024, 10:30:14 PM] Loaded config.json with 0 accessories and 3 platforms.
[1/30/2024, 10:30:14 PM] Loaded 5 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.
[1/30/2024, 10:30:14 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-config-ui-x@4.55.1
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui-x.config'
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-dummy@0.9.0
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-dummy.DummySwitch'
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap@2.5.3
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap.LutronCasetaLeap'
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-nest@4.6.9
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-nest.Nest'
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] Loading 3 platforms...
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] [Nest] Initializing Nest platform...
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] [Lutron] Initializing LutronCasetaLeap platform...
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap starting up...
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap plugin finished early initialization
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] [Nest] Fetching Nest devices.
[1/30/2024, 10:30:15 PM] [Lutron] Finished launching; starting up automatic discovery
Setup Payload:
Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

    │ 909-88-010 │     

[1/30/2024, 10:30:16 PM] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (Homebridge E2C7) is running on port 51182.
[1/30/2024, 10:30:17 PM] [Lutron] Found a Pico2Button remote 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/30/2024, 10:30:17 PM] [Lutron] Found a RPSOccupancySensor occupancy sensor 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/30/2024, 10:30:17 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type SmartBridge not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 10:30:17 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 10:30:17 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 10:30:17 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type WallDimmer not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 10:30:17 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 10:30:17 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 10:30:17 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 10:30:17 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 10:30:17 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/30/2024, 10:30:17 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/30/2024, 10:30:19 PM] [Nest] initing thermostat (P) "3rd Floor Thermostat": deviceId: 44BB3B00003E9D0C structureId: 8675e100-a38c-11e6-8b72-22000b3f04ab
[3rd Floor Thermostat@@Heating Threshold Temperature] characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 10
[1/30/2024, 10:30:19 PM] [Nest] initing thermostat (P) "2nd Floor Thermostat": deviceId: 44BB3B00003E9B95 structureId: 8675e100-a38c-11e6-8b72-22000b3f04ab
[2nd Floor Thermostat@@Heating Threshold Temperature] characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 0 exceeded minimum of 10
[1/30/2024, 10:30:19 PM] [Nest] initing home_away_sensor "Home Occupied": deviceId: 8675e100-a38c-11e6-8b72-22000b3f04ab structureId: 8675e100-a38c-11e6-8b72-22000b3f04ab
[1/30/2024, 11:08:22 PM] [Nest] Reauthenticating on Nest service ...
[1/30/2024, 11:08:22 PM] [Nest] Auth failed: access token specified in Homebridge configuration rejected
[1/30/2024, 11:08:23 PM] [Nest] API observe: error not_connected
[1/30/2024, 11:08:23 PM] [Nest] ^^^^^ this message is for information only, it does not mean there is a problem, please do not file a ticket unless you actually have a problem with the function of the plug-in
[1/30/2024, 11:08:23 PM] [Nest] Retrying in 10 seconds.
[1/30/2024, 11:24:38 PM] [Homebridge UI] Changes to config.json saved.
[1/30/2024, 11:24:40 PM] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge restart request received
[1/30/2024, 11:24:40 PM] [Homebridge UI] UI / Bridge settings have not changed; only restarting Homebridge process
[1/30/2024, 11:24:40 PM] [Homebridge UI] Sending SIGTERM to Homebridge
[1/30/2024, 11:24:40 PM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge...
[1/30/2024, 11:24:45 PM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Process Ended. Code: 143, Signal: null
[1/30/2024, 11:24:50 PM] [HB Supervisor] Restarting Homebridge...
[1/30/2024, 11:24:50 PM] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I
[1/30/2024, 11:24:50 PM] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.7.0 with PID: 77427
[1/30/2024, 11:24:51 PM] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 3 platforms.
[1/30/2024, 11:24:51 PM] Loaded 5 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.
[1/30/2024, 11:24:51 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-config-ui-x@4.55.1
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui-x.config'
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-dummy@0.9.0
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-dummy.DummySwitch'
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap@2.5.3
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap.LutronCasetaLeap'
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-nest@4.6.9
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-nest.Nest'
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] Loading 3 platforms...
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] [Nest] Initializing Nest platform...
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] [Lutron] Initializing LutronCasetaLeap platform...
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap starting up...
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap plugin finished early initialization
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] Loading 1 accessories...
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] [Arrive Home] Initializing DummySwitch accessory...
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] [Nest] Fetching Nest devices.
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] [Lutron] Finished launching; starting up automatic discovery
Setup Payload:
Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

    │ 909-88-010 │     

[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (Homebridge E2C7) is running on port 51182.
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] [Nest] Auth failed: access token specified in Homebridge configuration rejected
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] [Nest] Unable to authenticate with Google/Nest.
[1/30/2024, 11:24:52 PM] [Nest] NOTE: Because we couldn't connect to the Nest service, your Nest devices in HomeKit will not be responsive.
[1/30/2024, 11:24:53 PM] [Lutron] Found a Pico2Button remote 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/30/2024, 11:24:53 PM] [Lutron] Found a RPSOccupancySensor occupancy sensor 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/30/2024, 11:24:54 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type SmartBridge not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:24:54 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:24:54 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:24:54 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type WallDimmer not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:24:54 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:24:54 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:24:54 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:24:54 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:24:54 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/30/2024, 11:24:54 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/30/2024, 11:26:56 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:27:02 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:27:17 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:27:18 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:27:29 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:27:30 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:28:54 PM] [Homebridge UI] Changes to config.json saved.
[1/30/2024, 11:28:55 PM] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge restart request received
[1/30/2024, 11:28:55 PM] [Homebridge UI] UI / Bridge settings have not changed; only restarting Homebridge process
[1/30/2024, 11:28:55 PM] [Homebridge UI] Sending SIGTERM to Homebridge
[1/30/2024, 11:28:55 PM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge...
[1/30/2024, 11:29:00 PM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Process Ended. Code: 143, Signal: null
[1/30/2024, 11:29:05 PM] [HB Supervisor] Restarting Homebridge...
[1/30/2024, 11:29:05 PM] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I
[1/30/2024, 11:29:05 PM] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.7.0 with PID: 78258
[1/30/2024, 11:29:06 PM] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 3 platforms.
[1/30/2024, 11:29:06 PM] Loaded 5 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.
[1/30/2024, 11:29:06 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-config-ui-x@4.55.1
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui-x.config'
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-dummy@0.9.0
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-dummy.DummySwitch'
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap@2.5.3
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap.LutronCasetaLeap'
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-nest@4.6.9
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-nest.Nest'
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] Loading 3 platforms...
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] [Nest] Initializing Nest platform...
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] [Lutron] Initializing LutronCasetaLeap platform...
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap starting up...
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap plugin finished early initialization
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] Loading 1 accessories...
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] [Arrive Home] Initializing DummySwitch accessory...
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] [Nest] Fetching Nest devices.
[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] [Lutron] Finished launching; starting up automatic discovery
Setup Payload:
Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

    │ 909-88-010 │     

[1/30/2024, 11:29:07 PM] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (Homebridge E2C7) is running on port 51182.
[1/30/2024, 11:29:08 PM] [Nest] Auth failed: access token specified in Homebridge configuration rejected
[1/30/2024, 11:29:08 PM] [Nest] Unable to authenticate with Google/Nest.
[1/30/2024, 11:29:08 PM] [Nest] NOTE: Because we couldn't connect to the Nest service, your Nest devices in HomeKit will not be responsive.
[1/30/2024, 11:29:09 PM] [Lutron] Found a Pico2Button remote 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/30/2024, 11:29:09 PM] [Lutron] Found a RPSOccupancySensor occupancy sensor 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/30/2024, 11:29:09 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type SmartBridge not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:29:09 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:29:09 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:29:09 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type WallDimmer not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:29:09 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:29:09 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:29:09 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:29:09 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:29:09 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/30/2024, 11:29:09 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/30/2024, 11:29:20 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:29:21 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:29:22 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:29:27 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:29:28 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:30:16 PM] [Homebridge UI] Changes to config.json saved.
[1/30/2024, 11:30:17 PM] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge restart request received
[1/30/2024, 11:30:17 PM] [Homebridge UI] UI / Bridge settings have not changed; only restarting Homebridge process
[1/30/2024, 11:30:17 PM] [Homebridge UI] Sending SIGTERM to Homebridge
[1/30/2024, 11:30:17 PM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge...
[1/30/2024, 11:30:22 PM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Process Ended. Code: 143, Signal: null
[1/30/2024, 11:30:27 PM] [HB Supervisor] Restarting Homebridge...
[1/30/2024, 11:30:27 PM] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I
[1/30/2024, 11:30:27 PM] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.7.0 with PID: 78422
[1/30/2024, 11:30:28 PM] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 3 platforms.
[1/30/2024, 11:30:28 PM] Loaded 5 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.
[1/30/2024, 11:30:28 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-config-ui-x@4.55.1
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui-x.config'
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-dummy@0.9.0
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-dummy.DummySwitch'
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap@2.5.3
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap.LutronCasetaLeap'
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-nest@4.6.9
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-nest.Nest'
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] Loading 3 platforms...
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] [Nest] Initializing Nest platform...
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] [Lutron] Initializing LutronCasetaLeap platform...
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap starting up...
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap plugin finished early initialization
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] Loading 1 accessories...
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] [Arrive Home] Initializing DummySwitch accessory...
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] [Nest] Fetching Nest devices.
[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] [Lutron] Finished launching; starting up automatic discovery
Setup Payload:
Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

    │ 909-88-010 │     

[1/30/2024, 11:30:29 PM] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (Homebridge E2C7) is running on port 51182.
[1/30/2024, 11:30:30 PM] [Nest] Auth failed: access token specified in Homebridge configuration rejected
[1/30/2024, 11:30:30 PM] [Nest] Unable to authenticate with Google/Nest.
[1/30/2024, 11:30:30 PM] [Nest] NOTE: Because we couldn't connect to the Nest service, your Nest devices in HomeKit will not be responsive.
[1/30/2024, 11:30:31 PM] [Lutron] Found a Pico2Button remote 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/30/2024, 11:30:31 PM] [Lutron] Found a RPSOccupancySensor occupancy sensor 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/30/2024, 11:30:31 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type SmartBridge not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:30:31 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:30:31 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:30:31 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type WallDimmer not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:30:31 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:30:31 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:30:31 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:30:31 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:30:31 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/30/2024, 11:30:31 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/30/2024, 11:30:38 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:30:39 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:30:40 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:30:40 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:30:44 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:30:45 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:30:52 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:30:53 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:31:01 PM] [Homebridge UI] [wreams] Accessory layout changes saved.
[1/30/2024, 11:31:41 PM] [Homebridge UI] Changes to config.json saved.
[1/30/2024, 11:31:44 PM] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge restart request received
[1/30/2024, 11:31:44 PM] [Homebridge UI] UI / Bridge settings have not changed; only restarting Homebridge process
[1/30/2024, 11:31:44 PM] [Homebridge UI] Sending SIGTERM to Homebridge
[1/30/2024, 11:31:44 PM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge...
[1/30/2024, 11:31:49 PM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Process Ended. Code: 143, Signal: null
[1/30/2024, 11:31:54 PM] [HB Supervisor] Restarting Homebridge...
[1/30/2024, 11:31:54 PM] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I
[1/30/2024, 11:31:54 PM] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.7.0 with PID: 78541
[1/30/2024, 11:31:54 PM] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 3 platforms.
[1/30/2024, 11:31:54 PM] Loaded 5 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.
[1/30/2024, 11:31:54 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:31:55 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-config-ui-x@4.55.1
[1/30/2024, 11:31:55 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui-x.config'
[1/30/2024, 11:31:55 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:31:55 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-dummy@0.9.0
[1/30/2024, 11:31:55 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-dummy.DummySwitch'
[1/30/2024, 11:31:55 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:31:55 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap@2.5.3
[1/30/2024, 11:31:55 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap.LutronCasetaLeap'
[1/30/2024, 11:31:55 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-nest@4.6.9
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-nest.Nest'
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] Loading 3 platforms...
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] [Nest] Initializing Nest platform...
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] [Lutron] Initializing LutronCasetaLeap platform...
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap starting up...
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap plugin finished early initialization
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] Loading 1 accessories...
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] [Arrive Home] Initializing DummySwitch accessory...
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] [Nest] Fetching Nest devices.
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] [Lutron] Finished launching; starting up automatic discovery
Setup Payload:
Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

    │ 909-88-010 │     

[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (Homebridge E2C7) is running on port 51182.
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] [Nest] Auth failed: access token specified in Homebridge configuration rejected
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] [Nest] Unable to authenticate with Google/Nest.
[1/30/2024, 11:31:56 PM] [Nest] NOTE: Because we couldn't connect to the Nest service, your Nest devices in HomeKit will not be responsive.
[1/30/2024, 11:31:57 PM] [Lutron] Found a Pico2Button remote 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/30/2024, 11:31:57 PM] [Lutron] Found a RPSOccupancySensor occupancy sensor 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/30/2024, 11:31:57 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type SmartBridge not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:31:57 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:31:57 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:31:57 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type WallDimmer not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:31:57 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:31:57 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:31:57 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:31:57 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:31:57 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/30/2024, 11:31:57 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/30/2024, 11:32:05 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:32:06 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:32:10 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:32:11 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:33:53 PM] [Homebridge UI] Changes to config.json saved.
[1/30/2024, 11:33:55 PM] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge restart request received
[1/30/2024, 11:33:55 PM] [Homebridge UI] UI / Bridge settings have not changed; only restarting Homebridge process
[1/30/2024, 11:33:55 PM] [Homebridge UI] Sending SIGTERM to Homebridge
[1/30/2024, 11:33:55 PM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge...
[1/30/2024, 11:34:00 PM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Process Ended. Code: 143, Signal: null
[1/30/2024, 11:34:05 PM] [HB Supervisor] Restarting Homebridge...
[1/30/2024, 11:34:05 PM] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I
[1/30/2024, 11:34:05 PM] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.7.0 with PID: 78693
[1/30/2024, 11:34:05 PM] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 3 platforms.
[1/30/2024, 11:34:06 PM] Loaded 5 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.
[1/30/2024, 11:34:06 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-config-ui-x@4.55.1
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui-x.config'
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-dummy@0.9.0
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-dummy.DummySwitch'
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap@2.5.3
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap.LutronCasetaLeap'
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-nest@4.6.9
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-nest.Nest'
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] ---
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] Loading 3 platforms...
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] [Nest] Initializing Nest platform...
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] [Lutron] Initializing LutronCasetaLeap platform...
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap starting up...
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap plugin finished early initialization
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] Loading 1 accessories...
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] [Arrive Home] Initializing DummySwitch accessory...
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] [Nest] Fetching Nest devices.
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] [Lutron] Finished launching; starting up automatic discovery
Setup Payload:
Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

    │ 909-88-010 │     

[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (Homebridge E2C7) is running on port 51182.
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] [Nest] Auth failed: access token specified in Homebridge configuration rejected
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] [Nest] Unable to authenticate with Google/Nest.
[1/30/2024, 11:34:07 PM] [Nest] NOTE: Because we couldn't connect to the Nest service, your Nest devices in HomeKit will not be responsive.
[1/30/2024, 11:34:08 PM] [Lutron] Found a Pico2Button remote 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/30/2024, 11:34:08 PM] [Lutron] Found a RPSOccupancySensor occupancy sensor 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/30/2024, 11:34:08 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type SmartBridge not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:34:08 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:34:08 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:34:08 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type WallDimmer not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:34:08 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:34:08 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:34:08 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:34:08 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/30/2024, 11:34:08 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/30/2024, 11:34:08 PM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/30/2024, 11:34:18 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:34:27 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:34:28 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:37:19 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:37:20 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:37:26 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:37:27 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:37:34 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:37:35 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:37:38 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:37:39 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/30/2024, 11:54:14 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/30/2024, 11:54:15 PM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/31/2024, 12:40:31 AM] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge restart request received
[1/31/2024, 12:40:31 AM] [Homebridge UI] UI / Bridge settings have not changed; only restarting Homebridge process
[1/31/2024, 12:40:31 AM] [Homebridge UI] Sending SIGTERM to Homebridge
[1/31/2024, 12:40:31 AM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge...
[1/31/2024, 12:40:36 AM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Process Ended. Code: 143, Signal: null
[1/31/2024, 12:40:41 AM] [HB Supervisor] Restarting Homebridge...
[1/31/2024, 12:40:41 AM] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I
[1/31/2024, 12:40:41 AM] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.7.0 with PID: 12474
[1/31/2024, 12:40:42 AM] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 3 platforms.
[1/31/2024, 12:40:42 AM] Loaded 5 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.
[1/31/2024, 12:40:42 AM] ---
[1/31/2024, 12:40:43 AM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-config-ui-x@4.55.1
[1/31/2024, 12:40:43 AM] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui-x.config'
[1/31/2024, 12:40:43 AM] ---
[1/31/2024, 12:40:43 AM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-dummy@0.9.0
[1/31/2024, 12:40:43 AM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-dummy.DummySwitch'
[1/31/2024, 12:40:43 AM] ---
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap@2.5.3
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] Registering platform 'homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap.LutronCasetaLeap'
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] ---
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-nest@4.6.9
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] Registering platform 'homebridge-nest.Nest'
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] ---
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] Loading 3 platforms...
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] [Nest] Initializing Nest platform...
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] [Lutron] Initializing LutronCasetaLeap platform...
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap starting up...
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap plugin finished early initialization
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] Loading 1 accessories...
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] [Arrive Home] Initializing DummySwitch accessory...
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] [Nest] Fetching Nest devices.
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] [Lutron] Finished launching; starting up automatic discovery
Setup Payload:
Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

    │ 909-88-010 │     

[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (Homebridge E2C7) is running on port 51182.
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] [Nest] Auth failed: access token specified in Homebridge configuration rejected
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] [Nest] Unable to authenticate with Google/Nest.
[1/31/2024, 12:40:44 AM] [Nest] NOTE: Because we couldn't connect to the Nest service, your Nest devices in HomeKit will not be responsive.
[1/31/2024, 12:40:45 AM] [Lutron] Found a Pico2Button remote 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/31/2024, 12:40:45 AM] [Lutron] Found a RPSOccupancySensor occupancy sensor 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/31/2024, 12:40:45 AM] [Lutron] Found a Pico2Button remote 1st Floor Mains Remote
[1/31/2024, 12:40:46 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type SmartBridge not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 12:40:46 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 12:40:46 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 12:40:46 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type WallDimmer not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 12:40:46 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 12:40:46 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 12:40:46 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 12:40:46 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 12:40:46 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/31/2024, 12:40:46 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/31/2024, 12:40:46 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 1st Floor Mains Remote
[1/31/2024, 12:41:38 AM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to true
[1/31/2024, 12:41:39 AM] [Arrive Home] Setting switch to false
[1/31/2024, 1:06:35 AM] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge restart request received
[1/31/2024, 1:06:36 AM] [Homebridge UI] Sending SIGTERM to process...
[1/31/2024, 1:06:36 AM] [HB Supervisor] Stopping services...
[1/31/2024, 1:06:36 AM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge...
[1/31/2024, 1:06:41 AM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Process Ended. Code: 143, Signal: null
[1/31/2024, 1:06:49 AM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Storage Path: /Users/wreams/.homebridge
[1/31/2024, 1:06:49 AM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Config Path: /Users/wreams/.homebridge/config.json
[1/31/2024, 1:06:49 AM] [HB Supervisor] Logging to /Users/wreams/.homebridge/homebridge.log
[1/31/2024, 1:06:49 AM] [HB Supervisor] OS: Darwin 18.2.0 x64
[1/31/2024, 1:06:49 AM] [HB Supervisor] Node.js v20.9.0 /usr/local/bin/node
[1/31/2024, 1:06:49 AM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Path: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/bin/homebridge
[1/31/2024, 1:06:49 AM] [HB Supervisor] UI Path: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-config-ui-x/dist/bin/standalone.js
[1/31/2024, 1:07:04 AM] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge UI v4.55.1 is listening on :: port 8581
[1/31/2024, 1:07:05 AM] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I
[1/31/2024, 1:07:05 AM] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.7.0 with PID: 24603
[1/31/2024, 1:07:06 AM] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 3 platforms.
[1/31/2024, 1:07:06 AM] Loaded 6 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.
[1/31/2024, 1:07:06 AM] ---
[1/31/2024, 1:07:07 AM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-config-ui-x@4.55.1
[1/31/2024, 1:07:07 AM] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui-x.config'
[1/31/2024, 1:07:07 AM] ---
[1/31/2024, 1:07:07 AM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-dummy@0.9.0
[1/31/2024, 1:07:07 AM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-dummy.DummySwitch'
[1/31/2024, 1:07:07 AM] ---
[1/31/2024, 1:07:07 AM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap@2.5.3
[1/31/2024, 1:07:07 AM] Registering platform 'homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap.LutronCasetaLeap'
[1/31/2024, 1:07:07 AM] ---
[1/31/2024, 1:07:07 AM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-nest@4.6.9
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] Registering platform 'homebridge-nest.Nest'
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] ---
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] Loading 3 platforms...
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] [Nest] Initializing Nest platform...
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] [Lutron] Initializing LutronCasetaLeap platform...
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap starting up...
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap plugin finished early initialization
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] Loading 1 accessories...
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] [Arrive Home] Initializing DummySwitch accessory...
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] [Nest] Fetching Nest devices.
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] [Lutron] Finished launching; starting up automatic discovery
Setup Payload:
Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

    │ 909-88-010 │     

[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] Homebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (Homebridge E2C7) is running on port 51182.
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] [Nest] Auth failed: access token specified in Homebridge configuration rejected
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] [Nest] Unable to authenticate with Google/Nest.
[1/31/2024, 1:07:08 AM] [Nest] NOTE: Because we couldn't connect to the Nest service, your Nest devices in HomeKit will not be responsive.
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Found a Pico2Button remote 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Found a RPSOccupancySensor occupancy sensor 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Found a Pico2Button remote 1st Floor Mains Remote
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type SmartBridge not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type WallDimmer not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Skipped setting up device: Device type DivaSmartSwitch not supported by this plugin
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Stairs Sconces
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 2nd Floor Motion Sensor
[1/31/2024, 1:07:09 AM] [Lutron] Device setup finished: Set up device 1st Floor Mains Remote
[1/31/2024, 1:10:11 AM] [Homebridge UI] Running job to cleanup config.json backup files older than 60 days...


    "bridge": {
        "name": "Homebridge E2C7",
        "username": "0E:5C:32:A0:E2:C7",
        "port": 51182,
        "pin": "909-88-010",
        "advertiser": "bonjour-hap"
    "accessories": [
            "name": "Arrive Home",
            "stateful": false,
            "dimmer": false,
            "reverse": false,
            "time": 1000,
            "random": false,
            "resettable": true,
            "brightness": 0,
            "disableLogging": false,
            "accessory": "DummySwitch"
    "platforms": [
            "name": "Homebridge UI",
            "port": 8581,
            "auth": "none",
            "theme": "auto",
            "tempUnits": "f",
            "lang": "auto",
            "platform": "config"
            "name": "Nest",
            "access_token": "g.0.eyJraWQiOiIyMzhiNTUxZmMyM2EyM2Y4M2E2ZTE3MmJjZTg0YmU3ZjgxMzAzMmM4IiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJuZXN0X2lkOm5lc3QtcGhvZW5peC1wcm9kOjQ1MjM3MjkiLCJpc3MiOiJuZXN0LXNlY3VyaXR5LWF1dGhwcm94eUBuZXN0LXNlY3VyaXR5LWF1dGhwcm94eS5pYW0uZ3NlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50LmNvbSIsInBvbCI6ImF1dGhwcm94eS1vYXV0aC1wb2xpY3kiLCJleHAiOjE3MDY2NzQwODcsInV0b2siOiJcdTAwMDDDl8O8wr3DnsOaacOZw4tZw45cdTAwOEZ0NjdbdcKgwrfDqcO2Klx1MDA5McO2XkJEPEF2w4FcbndcdTAwOTjCosK_w5fDkTvDmVjDlMOHwqbCpVx1MDA4Mj7DpkjDsMOCw4BcdTAwMUFcdTAwMURcdTAwODVlXHTDplx1MDA5OVx1MDA4QsO8XHUwMDE5XHUwMDhCZ3B4w5V2csOSQnhcdTAwOUE9IVwvXGZwXHUwMDA2wqsxw7_DgFx1MDA4RlxyXHUwMDg0XsOYXHUwMDlDXHUwMDhFw6hBRydcL8K9M8OoXHUwMDFGKMKlXHUwMDFDXG7CsGLDkStcLz0uw7JVbXTCpGnCqT3DpHBcdTAwMELDm1x1MDA3RlwvMVx1MDAwNMK0Rlx1MDAwMsK9w4dcdTAwOEVgc2_Ct8OZwr58XHUwMDE4UCzDjFx1MDA4Q8Knwr8pLVx1MDA5QcK4w7wkR1rDvlx1MDA5Q8OdwrZcdTAwMUZcdTAwMTnCoFx1MDA4Q8KuwqvDjcKgQFx1MDA5MFx1MDA4MsOpK1x1MDA5RVfCvVx1MDAwNVx1MDAxMUVvVFx1MDA4QsOAaUnDplx1MDA5RcKyw4lcL1x1MDA5OXttO1x1MDA4N0bCqGtcdTAwMUbDisOmXHQlRVx0IFx1MDA5MWw2csOsXHUwMDgxMVx1MDAxRFBOIMONUVx1MDA4RnxATMOqUHdcdTAwOEVpw7F6wqEkITdcdTAwOTdcdTAwODHDnlLDiz5Gw5NgXHUwMDE2w7tyXHUwMDhEWn4ow7JcdTAwMTPCucOMJcOGIiwidXRva3QiOiJHT09HTEVfT0FVVEgifQ.IR1vF-3Utl6jnvdmsvebIqpuBZg42DJnXVcvIKuRNvNCUJjxtT6Z1VmcxabxP474GDfAWY-K3ngZF277TNnRTg_StcII6GGZb4yQqrl_fXHo5AtE4_SMjB1L7S4YVt_iebcLKFstpfWS_97SY5G_cnKdp3GUMXLTjeJAfFVBzybMOa7xQ59RQyqb8NOYb-kkBr94CJ44JOXsj3OwwsB--AGc88uMago8UxFcpHRQ7PFPtDRbrvgS4Wwc1N79643GFHlXAIGbzh6cAGNxoxmpouJxFpPbdsV9RPbVs_LJZDKdDi6I1wLp2euWEdMJx2ddl_QfIDrU-cXQEKzBXyqMhQ",
            "options": [
            "platform": "Nest"
            "name": "Lutron",
            "platform": "LutronCasetaLeap",
            "options": {
                "filterPico": false,
                "filterBlinds": true,
                "clickSpeedDouble": "default",
                "clickSpeedLong": "default"
            "secrets": [
                    "bridgeid": "06804C1F",
                    "key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\r\noNM7rjxBiZaNQ36Ae1UkYOGHbqljAuDKpUf/oTUpfHesEAXCHSJkZg==\r\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n"


Process Supervisor


Additional Context

No response

NorthernMan54 commented 5 months ago

Native HomeKit devices are not supported due to native HomeKit security. You would need to expose native HomeKit devices to homebridge using a plugin like ‘HomeKit-control’ first