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IE compatibility mode causes the player to break #525

Closed petersey closed 11 years ago

mzedeler commented 11 years ago

Quoting @petersey: Efter opdatering af afspilleren i torsdags (28. feb) får supporten mange henvendelser fra IE9 brugere om at den ikke virker længere.

Log ind, mine bøger, søgning virker fint.

Men når man har valgt en bog, og kommer til aflytningsviduet kommer der et "forkert" billede, og man kan ikke sætte bogen igang.

Indtil virdere har vi foreslået at man går ind i kombatibilitetsvisningen og "flytter rundt på indstillingerne", for derefter at vende tilbage til IE9 standerder. Det har hjulpet for en del brugere, der herefter kan afspille bogen.

Det ville være optimalt hvis brugere hvis indstillinger i forvejen står på IE9 standard (eller IE 8 hvis de bruger denne browser) kan afspille bøgerne uden at skulle foretage sig nogle ting.

mzedeler commented 11 years ago

@NajaWulff: this is the issue we talked about. The version that may have fixed it is located here:

NajaWulff commented 11 years ago

I have now tested both the live version of the player and the above fix on a Windows 7 Machine with IE9. So far, it is consistent that the live version only shows a white page when I try to access it with the 'Dokumenttilstand' variable set to IE7 standards - the 'Browsertilstand' doesn't seem to affect playing or using the site at all. I have not been able to reproduce the experience described by Peter (being able to log on, search etc. but not to play books) - with IE7 'Dokumenttilstand' the player doesn't open at all.

Trying to access the above fixed version with IE7 variables set, the 'Dokumenttilstand' changed automatically to IE9 the first 4-5 times I tried, and the playing worked fine. After that, the fixed version began acting exactly as the live version - I tried deleting the browser's cache, session cookies, opening other tabs, to no avail.

The problem described by Peter might stem from the version of IE used, so I'll try it out with our IE8 machine also, and see what I find.

NajaWulff commented 11 years ago

I've tested this on IE8 now as well, and exactly the same behaviour as described above occurs here. So far, the only difference which I have detected has been that the fixed version didn't work from the beginning.

NajaWulff commented 11 years ago

I have now spoken to the support team, and found that I/we may have misunderstood the issue: The problem mentioned by petersey only occurs when the user clicks on a book's 'Afspil' button on, and is thus directed to When this happens, the user is able to view the player, search and add books, but not to play the book. It should be mentioned, that either the 'Dokumenttilstand' or 'Browsertilstand' changes when the user is directed to, but changing those settings and then re-setting them to IE9 standards enables the user to play the book.

This whole issue, however, only occurs on the support staff's computers (which are also Win 7 machines running IE9). On my computers the problem doesn't happen at all.

To reproduce:

This occurs consistently for Peter Seyfarth, Nila Korzen, and several users. but has not been reproducible for me.

mzedeler commented 11 years ago

This issue was very hard to reproduce, but I found the cause - it was fixed by accident yesterday by this commit: SHA: d4a2f8f2dd7fe831a46240796b0cdf9d0737c5a8.

I have deployed a new version, so it should be live at now.

mzedeler commented 11 years ago

@LDHgithub: this issue was only reproducable using a page on JSBin that did the same kind of redirect as E17 normally uses. Otherwise it was impossible to reproduce.