NowBI / Xamarin-Forms-Mobile-Template

A simple Xamarin Forms project with a pre-configured Visual Studio 2015 environment, View Templates, Themes, Observables and Reactive Properties, Dependency Injection via Autofac, Unit Tests via xUnit, and Crash Logging via HockeyApp to be used as a starting point for mobile projects deployed to Android and iOS.
MIT License
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#4 Migration to net standard and update Xamarin.Forms #5

Closed Jerome2606 closed 6 years ago

Jerome2606 commented 6 years ago


I have finished the migration to NET Standard. Every project is ok now and can be launch.

But there is still a small issue on my side when running test into the iOS.Test project. I get an issue with ReactiveProperty. Maybe you can take a look on this issue by your side then merge my code in your branch ?