NullArray / NetSet

Operational Security utility and automator.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Installation fail #2

Open Syllinia opened 5 years ago

Syllinia commented 5 years ago

I git cloned the project on Ubuntu 19.04 and executed the following commands: chmod +x *.sh ./ --install However, the installation seems failed. is using python but Ubuntu 19.04 uses python3. 2.ProtonVPN-cli failed to install.

Besides, after executing the scripts, apt-get update doesn't work.


NullArray commented 5 years ago

What seems to have failed besides the Python operations and ProtonVPN-cli? Also, do you have an account at Proton? Do you have the credentials for OpenVPN?

Did you get any error messages?

In any event, if the standard python invocation doesn't work for you, you can change all instances to python3 and it should still be able to open your default browser.

Also, if your apt isn't working properly you probably have a file called pinning.pref in your backup directory. It has your original config.

Syllinia commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your reply. As ProtonVPN website is blocked, I'm unable to register an account. And I don't have credentials for OpenVPN.

I'm not familiar with Python, so I installed both Python and Python3 in my environment.

Other errors: option from the main menu and start learning!

1) Help 3) Spoof MAC 5) GeoSort Proxies 7) Tor Terminal 9) Veracrypt 11) Quit 2) Status 4) Random Proxies 6) ProtonVPN 8) Tor Wall 10) OPSEC Resources Please enter your choice: 7 /usr/bin/python: No module named pymux How to resolve this? There's no pip on my machine.

Now the apt fails to work, and there's no file named pinning.pref.

Many thanks.

NullArray commented 5 years ago

Thank you for providing extra information regarding this. You would install pip through your package manager, so, when you try to use apt what error message does it give you?

The only thing that i can think of that could have messed with your package manager is adding the repository for the proper version of DNSCrypt-proxy.

To check please run these commands from the terminal and post the results.

# These will check for the existence of  the files in question
stat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unstable.list
stat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/testing.list

# Running these should tell us about the permissions of the dir/file in question
stat /etc/apt/sources.list.d
stat /etc/apt/sources.list

Please report back with results so that i can help you troubleshoot this particular issue.

Also, ProtonVPN isn't going to work without an account at Proton and the appropriate credentials.

If their website is being blocked for whatever reason, try to circumvent it by using the Tor Browser.

Find it and more details here

Syllinia commented 5 years ago

After restarting the computer, apt-get update works well. I installed both pip2 and module pymux. Now, except ProtonVPN-cli everything seems to be installed properly as I'm able to enter 7) Tor Terminal

However, torproject is blocked. And I don't know how to use the installed facilities.

NullArray commented 5 years ago

Good to hear. Now that everything works except for ProtonVPN, since the website to sign up is blocked, as well as the Tor Project website. Run these commands in order to download The Tor Browser Bundle.

proxychains wget -O tor-browser.tar.xz

The script should have installed the Tor service and ProxyChains as well. Therefore as long as you run wget with the proxychains command you should be able to bypass the block.

NullArray commented 5 years ago

Let me know if there is anything else that i can help you with. @Syllinia