Given I'm logged in as 'Alex Smith'
And city of "New York, USA" exists in the system
When I create a organization with
| title| local meetup|
| description| Description of my organization |
| hometown | New York, USA|
Then "local meetup" organization is created
[ ] Scenario: Organization creator is also an organizer
Given I'm logged in as 'Alex Smith'
And city of "New York, USA" exists in the system
When I create a organization with
| title| local meetup|
| description| Description of my organization |
| hometown | New York, USA|
Then I'm organizer of "local meetup" organization
[ ] TODO: Creating new organization in a city we dont have in our system
As a user
[ ] Scenario: Creating new organization
[ ] Scenario: Organization creator is also an organizer
[ ] TODO: Creating new organization in a city we dont have in our system