NumbersStationAI / DuckDB-NSQL

DuckDB NSQL Model
Apache License 2.0
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Number Station are not generating the correct sql query #7

Open akash-goel opened 2 months ago

akash-goel commented 2 months ago

Hi Team,

we are exploring the Number station Ai , with simple query it worked fine and when we are trying some medium complex query its not giving the corrcet result , Request you to guide how we can make correct it .

Sample Query "First Join Sample64M and Sheet1_Data data to bring financial statement line-item column from Sheet1_Data into Sample64M Second calculate month over month percentage change using posted date by aggregating financial statement line item with absolute amount column"

Sample64M and Sheet1_Data are two tables present in duckdb.

This query is generating the wrong result every time and sometime its give only the half query.

The results are generated fine by the Open AI GPT4.

Request you guide us how we can improve the results,.

akash-goel commented 2 months ago

Hi Team , can you please guide how we can resolve this issue ?