NvC-DmN-CH / AutoVTF

AutoVTF is a C# Winforms program for working with VTF files in an intuitive and less tedious way
61 stars 1 forks source link

What is this?

Keeps an eye on a folder, and when any image gets modified, it makes or updates the VTF with the same name

Select a materials folder and press "Start"


Quick editing thanks to Hammer++'s hotloading ability:

VTF image format and flags persist when image is updated!

(it works this way when any supported image file is updated, this is just an example of photoshop updating a .psd file)

[!IMPORTANT] Photoshop notice:

Alpha channel won't be recognized if you have only 1 layer locked like this:

Due to Adobe's closed-source nature, new Photoshop versions have features which are unsupported, and may cause differences in exporting. It's advisable to use an older version like Photoshop CS6

Drag-n-Dropping allows for a bunch of manual conversions:


The Advanced option shows a panel similar to VTFEdit:


I think that only these 6 flags have an actual impact. If I missed an useful flag let me know.

Same with the image formats that this program accepts:



External dependencies information

Requires .NET 8.0

VTFCmd is compiled from >>> here

How to compile VTFCmd: (or at least how I managed to compile it)

NuGet packages:


I hope that this will be useful to people, because it has already made my workflow so much simpler than before.

This isn't meant to be a replacement for VTFEdit though, it's still very useful for previewing VTFs and setting some arcane settings.

If you found a bug or have a suggestion you can create an issue

Program is often falsely detected as virus

If you want to be sure that there is nothing malicious, take a look at the source code and compile it, and download/compile the external dependencies yourself.