After downloading the diabetic retinopathy diagnosis data and extracting the files using the download_and_prepare utility in the file as suggested in the instructions, the "prepare" part of this procedure gives me errors. I'm running this using the command python3 -u -c "from bdlb.diabetic_retinopathy_diagnosis.benchmark import DiabeticRetinopathyDiagnosisBecnhmark; DiabeticRetinopathyDiagnosisBecnhmark._prepare()" to avoid downloading the data again. The error happens on line 401 in (dtask.download_and_prepare()) and traces back to "python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_datasets/core/" on line 970: for key, record in utils.tqdm(generator, unit=" examples", total=split_info.num_examples, leave=False): and the final error message is "ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)". It seems that the object from the "generator" is of the form {'name': '58_right', 'image': <_io.BytesIO object at 0x 7f7b9a2a28f0>, 'label': 0} with three fields while the for-loop is trying to split it into two ("key" and "record"). Do you have any ideas if something has probably gone wrong already in the extraction part or if the issue might be in the version of tensorflow_datasets for example? Somebody mentioned the use of tensorflow_datasets==1.2.0 in another issue but that didn't seem to solve this.
After downloading the diabetic retinopathy diagnosis data and extracting the files using the download_and_prepare utility in the file as suggested in the instructions, the "prepare" part of this procedure gives me errors. I'm running this using the command
python3 -u -c "from bdlb.diabetic_retinopathy_diagnosis.benchmark import DiabeticRetinopathyDiagnosisBecnhmark; DiabeticRetinopathyDiagnosisBecnhmark._prepare()"
to avoid downloading the data again. The error happens on line 401 in (dtask.download_and_prepare()
) and traces back to "python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_datasets/core/" on line 970:for key, record in utils.tqdm(generator, unit=" examples", total=split_info.num_examples, leave=False):
and the final error message is "ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)". It seems that the object from the "generator" is of the form{'name': '58_right', 'image': <_io.BytesIO object at 0x 7f7b9a2a28f0>, 'label': 0}
with three fields while the for-loop is trying to split it into two ("key" and "record"). Do you have any ideas if something has probably gone wrong already in the extraction part or if the issue might be in the version of tensorflow_datasets for example? Somebody mentioned the use of tensorflow_datasets==1.2.0 in another issue but that didn't seem to solve this.