OCamlPro / alt-ergo

OCamlPro public development repository for Alt-Ergo
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Proving and invalid goal #6

Closed ejgallego closed 9 years ago

ejgallego commented 9 years ago

Dear Alt-Ergo developers,

alt-ergo 0.95.2 returns valid for this example, but we believe it shouldn't.

Basically we define distance over lists or the same length, and an adjacency predicate that asserts that two lists are adjacent if they differ by one in one particular element.

The rest is standard arithmetic and the goal should not be provable.

I'm sorry I couldn't shrink the example more, let us know if we can be of any help.

type 'a list

logic Nil  : 'a list
logic Cons : 'a, 'a list -> 'a list

logic abs : real -> real
axiom abs_def : (forall x:real. ((0.0 <= x) -> (abs(x) = x)))

function d_r (x1: real, x2: real) : real = abs((x1 - x2))

logic d_lr : real list, real list -> real
axiom d_lr_def : (d_lr((Nil : real list), (Nil : real list)) = 0.0)
axiom d_lr_def3 :
  (forall x:real. forall x1:real list.
  (forall x2:real. forall x3:real list.
  (d_lr(Cons(x2, x3), Cons(x, x1)) = (d_r(x2, x) + d_lr(x3, x1)))))

logic adjacent : real list, real list -> prop

axiom adjacent_def : adjacent ((Nil : real list), (Nil : real list))

axiom adjacent_def3 : (forall x:real. forall x1:real list.
                      (forall x2:real. forall x3:real list.
   (adjacent(Cons(x2, x3), Cons(x, x1)) ->
   (((d_r(x2, x) <= 1.0) and (x3 = x1)) or ((x2 = x) and adjacent(x3, x1))))))

axiom adjacent_def4 : (forall x:real. forall x1:real list.
                      (forall x2:real. forall x3:real list.
   ((((d_r(x2, x) <= 1.0) and (x3 = x1)) or ((x2 = x) and adjacent(x3, x1))) ->
   adjacent(Cons(x2, x3), Cons(x, x1)))))

axiom d2 : (forall l1:real list. forall l2:real list.
           (0.0 <= d_lr(l1, l2)))

axiom d3 : (forall l1:real list. forall l2:real list.
            ((l1 = l2) ->
            (d_lr(l1, l2) = 0.0)))

axiom a1 : (forall l1:real list. forall l2:real list.
           (adjacent(l1, l2) ->
           (d_lr (l1, l2) <= 1.0)))

axiom r1 : (forall e0:real. forall k:real.
      ((0.0 <= e0) ->
       ((0.0 <= k) ->
       ((k <= 1.0)  ->
       ((e0 * k) <= e0)))))

goal bug : (forall e:real. forall x1:real. forall x2:real. forall xs1:real list. forall xs2:real list.
   ((0.0 <= e) ->
   (adjacent(Cons(x1, xs1), Cons(x2, xs2)) ->
   ((e * d_r(x1, x2)) <= 0.0))))
iguerNL commented 9 years ago


Thank you for reporting it. I think it's simular to the bug https://github.com/OCamlPro/alt-ergo/issues/5. It's fixed in devel versions since last August.


ejgallego commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your reply Mohamed, indeed I thought it would be related to #5.

Can someone with access to the devel version confirm that the file doesn't return Valid so we can close the report?

Best regards, Emilio

iguerNL commented 9 years ago

I do have an access to the devel version, and I confirm that the bug is fixed ! :-)

(Sorry, I forgot to close the report)

ejgallego commented 9 years ago

Thank you!

[By the way, we hit the bug in bad ways in real-world examples when preparing a paper, so unfortunately the public version is unusable for verification ATM in our framework]