ODM2 / WOFpy

A server-side implementation of CUAHSI's Water One Flow service stack in Python.
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EnviroDIY WOFpy registration with CUAHSI data services #224

Closed emiliom closed 6 years ago

emiliom commented 6 years ago

This issue will be a central discussion thread for getting the EnviroDIY WOFpy endpoint fully registered and in production at the CUAHSI data services.

We'll add more background information soon.

There's relevant past discussions at this issue:

cc @jcaraballo17 @aufdenkampe @lsetiawan @miguelcleon

emiliom commented 6 years ago

ODM2 deployments (both live and sandbox) are listed here: https://github.com/BiG-CZ/bigcz_wshp2017/issues/1

aufdenkampe commented 6 years ago

@horsburgh, how can we move forward on this? @emiliom and @miguelcleon have had success with their Luquillo CZO WOFpy registration. It is listed on http://qa-hiswebclient.azurewebsites.net/ , but there is no service metadata or data streams.

emiliom commented 6 years ago

Updated 2/27/2018

There is a registered service on the test CUAHSI system, but it's not working (or at least this page doesn't show anything): http://hiscentral.cuahsi.org/pub_network.aspx?n=100003

The "Service Test Page" is at http://qa-hiscentral.cuahsi.org/testpage.aspx?n=100003. This page does work!

aufdenkampe commented 6 years ago

Deadline: March 13 release of WikiWatershed, with first release of Monitor My Watershed, which we hope to use to feature EnviroDIY.

miguelcleon commented 6 years ago

@emiliom @aufdenkampe @horsburgh on the call today I said the CUAHSI test hydroclient (http://qa-hiswebclient.azurewebsites.net) was erroring when searching for envirodiy data. I just noticed that it is also erroring when searching Luquillo CZO data. I tried searching some other services and they also error out. So I think something is wrong with CUAHSI test hydroclient. I will email @martinseul

emiliom commented 6 years ago

Thanks @miguelcleon. I assume this was working fine on the Luquillo CZO last week?

miguelcleon commented 6 years ago

Yes, it was working yesterday in fact.

miguelcleon commented 6 years ago

from @martinseul

We had a problem with one of our dev servers that got hacked. We had to shut it down and move to a new server. That is completed now and the app should work as expected, sorry for the inconvenience.

Please check and let me know if you find additional problems.

I'm still getting an error, I emailed him back.

miguelcleon commented 6 years ago

@aufdenkampe @horsburgh @emiliom

It is working now. envirodiy also works, you can download envirodiy data from the QA hydroclient http://qa-hiswebclient.azurewebsites.net/ take a look.

I did get an error when downloading some time series others ones worked fine. An error occured downloading file: envirodiy-sara's_desk_at_stroud-relative_humidity.csv

emiliom commented 6 years ago


emiliom commented 6 years ago

Copying over to here the update from Yaping's email (@ypxiao):

Please go to http://data.cuahsi.org and search for id=5644. You should be able to search/download the data.

I confirmed yesterday that the service and time series were available at data.cuahsi.org. Also, the service info page is looking nice: http://hiscentral.cuahsi.org/pub_network.aspx?n=5644

The service may not have propagated to the catalog API or the BiGCZ portal CUAHSI catalog service cache (updated daily? I can't remember), b/c searching for "envirodiy" or "wikiwatershed" didn't yield anything in the White Clay Creek area, just now; also, searching on "stream" didn't produce envirodiy sites.

I also tried the staging wikiwatershed app, but the search functionality doesn't seem to be working at all there.

horsburgh commented 6 years ago

The EnviroDIY service has now been registered at HIS Central:


I still have some questions for fleshing out the public details page for the service:

emiliom commented 6 years ago

@aufdenkampe: Data from the envirodiy service is not showing up in CUAHSI WDC searches under either the staging wikiwatershed portal or the BiGCZ portal. That means that the service is either not being advertised yet in the CUAHSI catalog API, or the wikiwatershed/BiGCZ portal is using a stale, (not updated) cache of service endpoints.

aufdenkampe commented 6 years ago

It's been >3 days since the WikiWatershed EnviroDIY Water Quality Data Portal service (http://hiscentral.cuahsi.org/pub_network.aspx?n=5644 and http://data.cuahsi.org & search for id=5644) has been available and functioning.

Unfortunately, we still can't find any of the sites from https://portal.bigcz.org or https://staging.app.wikiwatershed.org.

@ypxiao & @emiliom, can you let us know if the WikiWatershed EnviroDIY service is available via the CUAHSI catalog API? Perhaps a quick test with Python could give this answer.

@ajrobbins, @rajadain, could you let us know if there might be a caching issue in the BiGCZ & WikiWatershed web apps?

We would like to get this figured out by the end of the week, in advance of the March 13 release of the WikiWatershed web app.

miguelcleon commented 6 years ago

@aufdenkampe @emiliom Martin had mentioned to me that service data are cached once a week, I believe on Friday, so maybe it will be updated then.

ajrobbins commented 6 years ago

@rajadain refreshed the cache, which addressed this - services are cached for a week on staging, to avoid requesting them anew every time.

aufdenkampe commented 6 years ago

@horsburgh, here are some responses to the web service metadata.

HeatherBrooks commented 6 years ago

@aufdenkampe Combining the logos doesn't give great results ... will this work? logo-envirodiy-wikiwatershed-square

aufdenkampe commented 6 years ago

That's not bad. Can we vertically compress a bit, moving both lines of text upward? Maybe change the blues in the WikiWatershed wave to match the one in the EnviroDIY logo?

HeatherBrooks commented 6 years ago

I don't really have the proper tools for changing the wave colors so the fine wave ends aren't changed. If the logo will be used at a smaller scale, this might work. logo-envirodiy-wikiwatershed-square-2

horsburgh commented 6 years ago

@aufdenkampe - I was able to add the funding sources to the WOFPy service registration page at HIS Central. The normal "add funding sources" doesn't seem to work. Liza from CUAHSI told me that you have to add funding organizations to the underlying database, have them harvested by the metadata harvester, and then you can use the funding sources editor. But, I'm not sure how that would work because funding agencies listed as sources would never be associated with data and so wouldn't get harvested.

I don't love how it is implemented now. I had to list all of the funding sources in separate metadata elements because if I put them all in one the website strips out any formatting, new lines, etc., so it just get's jumbled into one long continuous text string. Let me know if you want me to do something different.

aufdenkampe commented 6 years ago

I think all this has been resolved. Thanks everyone.