ODSOperations / issues

The issues repository for Operation Dessert Storm.
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Operation Dessert Storm Issue Tracker

Visit our site!

Hello ODS players! If you have an issue with the game or the site, this is the place to report it. We'd like to thank you for taking the time to report issues in the game, so we can fix them and improve the experience for everyone!

Let's just get a few guidelines and obligatory no-no's out of the way first.

Rules and Guidelines

  1. If you have a bug to report, make sure it hasn't already been reported or is in the "Known Bugs" section of this readme. Use the search button.

  2. Refrain from profanity and swearing in your bug reports.

  3. If your issue involves a crash, please indicate in your report what you were doing right before you crashed, as well as a log and steps that can replicate the crash, if applicable.

  4. The same applies to glitches or general bugs; please include steps to replicate the issue and we will take a look at it from there.

  5. If your issue is something the support team can handle, and not the developers, do not post it here. Contact our support through our Discord chat. or through our email at support@opdessertstorm.com. Thank you.

Known bugs and issues

  • Crashing in the gag shop
  • Not waiting for a Cog to join a battle in a building will make you freeze
  • Memory leak when fishing causing lag
  • Can’t walk into a tunnel, just through it. Fix: switch districts
  • Jumping when you don’t have a propellor in a Lawbot Field Office will make you stuck. (Workaround: don’t jump before getting a propellor)
  • Joining boarding groups in boss battles makes you lose laff randomly in the battle. (Workaround: board the elevator and avoid groups)