OData / ModelBuilder

A project to generate Edm (Entity Data Model) from CLR types
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the vocabularies folder out of date since updating to OData.Edm 8.x #46

Open xuzhg opened 2 weeks ago

xuzhg commented 2 weeks ago

Short summary (3-5 sentences) describing the issue.

Assemblies affected

The Vocabularies folder contains auto-generated classed based on the OData.Edm vocabularies models.

Now, the main branch is updated to OData.Edm 8.x version, However, it's still referencing the old version of OData.Edm

<#@ assembly name="$(NuGetPackageRoot)microsoft.odata.edm\7.9.0\lib\net45\Microsoft.OData.Edm.dll" #>

See details at: https://github.com/OData/ModelBuilder/blob/main/src/Microsoft.OData.ModelBuilder/Vocabularies/VocabularyTermConfigurationExtensions.tt#L4

Expected result

1) Update to use the same version of OData.Edm referenced in the csproj 2) Auto-generate the corresponding C# classes 3) Support the new added type/term, especially for the GeomtryFeature term which is using 'Edm.Geometry'

Actual result

What is actually happening.

Additional detail

Optional, details of the root cause if known. Delete this section if you have no additional details to add.