OData / ModelBuilder

A project to generate Edm (Entity Data Model) from CLR types
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fixes #46: sync vocabularies folder using the updated OData.Edm; Supp… #47

Open xuzhg opened 2 weeks ago

xuzhg commented 2 weeks ago

…ort the Edm.Geometry; Enable the T4 on .NET 8 platform using command line


This pull request fixes issue #46.


1) T4 TextTransform cannot work on .NET 8. If we switch to OData.Edm 8.x, it throws exception as: "Cannot load System.Runtime 8.00 version'. Based on the information at: Introducing the New T4 Command-Line Tool for .NET, Use the command line tool to run the tt file and auto-generate the corresponding C# classes.

2) Update the readme to refresh the TT changes

3) Change the tt file to support Edm.Geometry, fix cannot access TemplateFile property issue

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