OHDSI / Themis

Repository for OMOP CDM conventions as defined by THEMIS. These can be reference lists of concepts, pieces of standardized code for data generation or quality certification, and debates.
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what to do with DATETIME columns when the raw data has no time or is given as 00:00:00 #147

Open solmazeradat opened 2 months ago

solmazeradat commented 2 months ago

what to do with DATETIME columns when the raw data has no time or is given as 00:00:00

CDM or THEMIS convention?


Table or Field level?


Is this a general convention?

Applies to multiple fields

Summary of issues


if time is unknown or is given as00:00:00

Summary of answer

Final response on the post provides the following recommendation:

One of the items that came out of the OHDSI Symposium Themis F2F was what to do with DATETIME columns when the raw data has no time.

Here is what was discussed but we would like to open it for comment.

RECOMMENDATION Choose default time of 00:00:00 if time is unknown. If you do have time and receive a time of 00:00:00 just shift 1 second to 00:00:01

ACTION Work with @clairblacketer to have posted on the Data Model Conventions page under the CDM Wiki under convensions. https://github.com/OHDSI/CommonDataModel/wiki/Data-Model-Conventions

Related links

Other comments/notes

MelaniePhilofsky commented 2 months ago

The datetime field is nullable, only date fields are required fields in the CDM. This is an old post in reference to when CDM v6.0 was introduced. The OHDSI community no longer supports this CDM because of the requirement to fill datetime fields. For more information, see this forum post https://forums.ohdsi.org/t/omop-version-6-put-on-ice/18823