ONDC-Official / v1.2.0-logs

Retail and Logistics Logs for 1.2.0
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costbo (SA: RET1A) - compliance check #1895

Open sahil-ondc opened 2 months ago

sahil-ondc commented 2 months ago

Flow 1





SumaSoft1 commented 2 months ago

/on_search (full catalog)

  1. Type code should provided in /message/catalog/bpp/providers[0]/items[1]/descriptor - "5" for others as per API Contract.
  2. weight provided in item/quantity/unitized/measure should be same as provided in item/tags/attributes
  3. items in auto domain must be returnable and cancellable

/on_search (incremental refresh)

  1. items in auto domain must be returnable and cancellable


SumaSoft1 commented 1 month ago

Issues are resolved, and the Latest Logs are available in Git.

Sukhchain-ondc commented 1 month ago

Flow 1

on_search (full catalog)

on_search (inc catalog)

@AnanthBo @SumaSoft1

AnanthBo commented 1 month ago

@Sukhchain-ondc Will reshare the logs.

  1. On_search (full catalog) . return_window P7D is fixed. . will reshare with variants. 2 On_search (inc catalog) . return_window as P7D is fixed . customer care. business wanted 2 emailds & hence sending same format with 2 email ids. we will fix to 1 email id.
  2. Search (inc Catalog). we are using reference buyer app & It does not send those fields. Please ignore this change request in logs
AnanthBo commented 1 month ago

@Sukhchain-ondc , Please verify logs submitted through PR 2140. Posted more than 10 days ago. let me know, if you have any questions. This includes Mystore Interop logs as requested by Sandeep Shahi. Mystore has given good to go message in the email.

AnanthBo commented 1 month ago

@Sukhchain-ondc any update ?