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How might we add leather specification sheets to the site? #289

Open bjornmeansbear opened 6 years ago

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

Notes from clients:

Hi Kristian, I emailed Esteban with my thoughts about the functionality of 
the Leather Specification Sheets, and his response is below my questions. 
From our conversation, you should have a pretty good idea of what we 
want. And with the intention of adding a downloadable PDF pricelist 
as a next step.


I imagine the answer here is to have a button you could click and a 
pop-up box would show the spec sheet for the corresponding leather. 
Were you thinking the spec sheet should be printable as well? 
I suppose that would satisfy the clients who would like a print-out. 
It would be more thorough.
This way it's easier for people to print if they really need to or even 
save it to their desktops. 


Since all the spec sheet information is not on Order Track, it would only 
work if the information was added and then more columns could be 
added to the online price list.

unfortunately we are so limited as to how much information we could add 
to our system. There's not enough fields to add all that extra info for the leathers.


And do you think the leather spec sheet should be available to the 
clients who log in? Or should it be available to everyone?

I think it should only be available for clients who log in especially if we 
throw the idea to Jamie that the price list should go up too.  I think if 
it's set up that way, it would encourage our clients to log in into the 
website and explore the other features that we have available.

I've always thought our price list should be downloadable and 
printable, so if we invest in this, maybe it will be easier to add the 
price list too - that is, if Jamie agrees.
webmasterkai commented 6 years ago

Need anything from me on this yet?

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

Okay, I think I'm finally getting a clearer picture of what's what... as well as maybe a roadmap for the future? Need to get down my thoughts now...

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

@webmasterkai not quite yet — I tried to clean up their email that they sent me grouped into clearer things — any ideas related to what they've sent?

Sounds like short term they are happy to just have a way to download the PDFs for the leather spec sheets.

But, it does appear that they do want to have a conversation around being able to download the pricelist as pdf...

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

So, short term, they want the leather spec sheets as PDFs to be downloaded — so then we need to a) figure out where to have the pdfs live, b) add a button or something to download them when looking at the leathers in detail and pricelist modes.

And to complicate matters, RG and DL both want these added, so its probably 2 solutions?

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

Still waiting to hear back from them... they've been out of the office since Dec 22. hopefully tomorrow or Friday they'll be back in touch