The website has some clear statements about which versions of olfs, bes and libdap comprise Hyrax-1.17 and Hyrax-1.16, along with the (citable) zenodo-generated DOIs of each of olfs, bes and libdap. However, it is not very clear how to cite the Hyrax version. I am thinking on something like this:
title = {hyrax},
author = {OPeNDAP communty authors...},
date = {2024},
publisher = {{Zenodo}},
doi = {xx.xxxx/zenodo.xxxxxxx},
version = {v.1.17}
The website has some clear statements about which versions of olfs, bes and libdap comprise Hyrax-1.17 and Hyrax-1.16, along with the (citable) zenodo-generated DOIs of each of olfs, bes and libdap. However, it is not very clear how to cite the Hyrax version. I am thinking on something like this: