OPENDAP / hyrax-docker

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
22 stars 12 forks source link

Hyrax 257 #32

Closed vskorole closed 4 years ago

jgallagher59701 commented 4 years ago

Demo looks good - I think this is ready for a merge.

jgallagher59701 commented 4 years ago

Nathan, do you concur?

vskorole commented 4 years ago

I don't know how but this already works in UAT. You can look at this in cloudtamer: Access UAT -> CloudWatch Logs -> Logs groups -> hyrax-uat I don't like that every line of log events is expanded as one line of json. I think every line should expands as whole json. So better to remove carriage returns.

ndp-opendap commented 4 years ago

These production rules for TravisCI are broken. This should NOT be building an pushing to docker hub for a PR. We need to understand why this is happening.

ndp-opendap commented 4 years ago

TravisCI rules fixed.