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Bug: https://ossindex.sonatype.org/vulnerability/f5e0eedd-a789-46e6-975a-342464e86cfb #217

Open oconnedk opened 2 years ago

oconnedk commented 2 years ago

Vulnerability URL Provide the URL to the vulnerability. For example:


Component URL Provide the URL to the component. For example:


Description The person that raised this bug, unfortunately does not appear to understand how Twig, which is a templating engine works. Twig allows for the dynamic expansion of variables into a web (or other) page, e.g.

hello {{name}}

Would yield: "hello Dave" if the variable $name had the value "Dave".

Part of the macro expansion is that Twi can do maths.

The person was surprised that a web page with the content:


Would resolve to: http://localhost/search?search_key=16

And further they think that this would yield a system ls command:


It wouldn't! It also shows they do not know how to use Twig. What that would yield is the value of the variable $ls, which most likely would be null (blank string).

See this: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/44102

So, to summarise, there is absolutely no such vulnerability, which is why the Github Issue was closed on the day it was opened: https://github.com/twigphp/Twig/issues/2743

Further investigation was undertaken here: https://github.com/picocms/Pico/issues/513

Where the result was that the bug report was a "false warning/exploit.", which is correct.

ken-duck commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the delay. OSS Index does not have a built in way to easily delete vulnerabilities which still exist in NVD (at this time). Instead I have made the affected version to be all those below version 0, which means it won't show on queries.

The change should be in the public database by sometime tomorrow.