OSUKED / ElexonDataPortal

Python wrapper for the Elexon/BMRS API
MIT License
52 stars 14 forks source link

ExpatError: syntax error: line 1, column 0 #31

Open matteodefelice opened 3 months ago

matteodefelice commented 3 months ago

Today I can't use the APIs. If I type (after setting up client):

start_date = '2020-01-01'
end_date = '2020-01-01 1:30'
df_B1610 = client.get_B1610(start_date, end_date)

I get:

B1610:   0%|                                                                                     | 0/3 [00:02<?, ?it/s]
ExpatError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [6], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 df_B1610 = client.get_B1610(start_date, end_date)

File ~\miniconda3\envs\pydef\lib\site-packages\ElexonDataPortal\api.py:665, in Client.get_B1610(self, start_date, end_date, NGCBMUnitID)
    650 def get_B1610(
    651     self,
    652     start_date: str = '2020-01-01',
    653     end_date: str = '2020-01-01 1:30',
    654     NGCBMUnitID: str='*',
    655 ):
    656     """
    657     Actual Generation Output per Generation Unit
    662         NGCBMUnitID (str)
    663     """
--> 665     df = orchestrator.query_orchestrator(
    666         method = 'get_B1610',
    667         api_key = self.api_key,
    668         n_attempts = self.n_retry_attempts,
    669         request_type = 'SP_and_date',
    670         kwargs_map = {'date': 'SettlementDate', 'SP': 'Period'},
    671         func_params = ['APIKey', 'date', 'SP', 'NGCBMUnitID', 'ServiceType'],
    672         start_date = start_date,
    673         end_date = end_date,
    674         NGCBMUnitID = NGCBMUnitID,
    675         non_local_tz = self.non_local_tz
    676     )
    678     return df

File ~\miniconda3\envs\pydef\lib\site-packages\ElexonDataPortal\dev\orchestrator.py:413, in query_orchestrator(method, api_key, request_type, kwargs_map, func_params, start_date, end_date, n_attempts, non_local_tz, **kwargs)
    410 assert request_type in request_type_to_func.keys(), f"{request_type} must be one of: {', '.join(request_type_to_func.keys())}"
    411 request_func = request_type_to_func[request_type]
--> 413 df = request_func(
    414     method=method,
    415     api_key=api_key,
    416     n_attempts=n_attempts,
    417     **kwargs
    418 )
    420 df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
    422 if (non_local_tz is not None) and ('local_datetime' in df.columns):

File ~\miniconda3\envs\pydef\lib\site-packages\ElexonDataPortal\dev\orchestrator.py:78, in SP_and_date_request(method, kwargs_map, func_params, api_key, start_date, end_date, n_attempts, **kwargs)
     75 missing_kwargs = list(set(func_params) - set(['SP', 'date'] + list(kwargs.keys())))
     76 assert len(missing_kwargs) == 0, f"The following kwargs are missing: {', '.join(missing_kwargs)}"
---> 78 r = retry_request(raw, method, kwargs, n_attempts=n_attempts)
     80 df_SP = utils.parse_xml_response(r)
     81 df = pd.concat([df, df_SP])

File ~\miniconda3\envs\pydef\lib\site-packages\ElexonDataPortal\dev\orchestrator.py:30, in retry_request(raw, method, kwargs, n_attempts)
     28         attempts += 1
     29         if attempts == n_attempts:
---> 30             raise e
     32 return r

File ~\miniconda3\envs\pydef\lib\site-packages\ElexonDataPortal\dev\orchestrator.py:25, in retry_request(raw, method, kwargs, n_attempts)
     23 try:
     24     r = getattr(raw, method)(**kwargs)
---> 25     utils.check_status(r)
     26     success = True
     27 except Exception as e:

File ~\miniconda3\envs\pydef\lib\site-packages\ElexonDataPortal\dev\utils.py:26, in check_status(r)
     25 def check_status(r):
---> 26     r_metadata = xmltodict.parse(r.text)['response']['responseMetadata']
     28     if r_metadata['httpCode'] == '204':
     29         warn(f'Data request was succesful but no content was returned')

File ~\miniconda3\envs\pydef\lib\site-packages\xmltodict.py:378, in parse(xml_input, encoding, expat, process_namespaces, namespace_separator, disable_entities, process_comments, **kwargs)
    376     parser.Parse(b'',True)
    377 else:
--> 378     parser.Parse(xml_input, True)
    379 return handler.item

ExpatError: syntax error: line 1, column 0
leoniewgnr commented 2 months ago

same error here

yanglu3406 commented 2 months ago

Same issue - does anyone know what's going on?

yanglu3406 commented 2 months ago

From a dig around - I think the https://api.bmreports.com/ API is no longer available - getting this response from any calls to it.

<head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head>
<center><h1>301 Moved Permanently</h1></center>

The Elexon API page refers to: https://data.elexon.co.uk/bmrs/api/v1/ and I can confirm this returns data as expected.

This library may need to be updated to reflect this change?

yanglu3406 commented 2 months ago

Actually - just spotted that this was flagged ages ago, with a new library made for the new API


peterdudfield commented 1 month ago

yea, we've just made a new repo - https://github.com/openclimatefix/Elexonpy Please let me know if this is useful