OWASP / QRLJacking

QRLJacking or Quick Response Code Login Jacking is a simple-but-nasty attack vector affecting all the applications that relays on “Login with QR code” feature as a secure way to login into accounts which aims for hijacking users session by attackers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.33k stars 619 forks source link

Please any developer can help me no one is answering? #241

Open dr1408 opened 5 months ago

dr1408 commented 5 months ago

Can i make this tool to work on android phone using android sdk and my firefox app ? But i dint know which codes to edit .. i tied it on vnc and it crash whenever i enter any conversation #240

Git-Utkarsh commented 3 months ago

This Program is dead as modern applications are not allowing javascript's QR manipulation

Well if your major goal is to perform QRL jacking You can use this https://github.com/swagkarna/EvilJack It Uses Python's Optical Recognition to Capture QR codes of website and host it using flask ...😊 Hope you find it useful

dr1408 commented 3 months ago

@Git-Utkarsh hello sir i saw this project before but can i use it with mu phone or its just for windows ? Im using kali linux on android phone

Git-Utkarsh commented 3 months ago

@dr1408 dr1408 You have to be in windows with python 3.7 or above installed with Tesseract OCR https://github.com/swagkarna/EvilJack/blob/main/README.md Follow the instructions