OWASP / SecureTea-Project

The OWASP SecureTea Project provides a one-stop security solution for various devices (personal computers / servers / IoT devices)
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Setup.py #269

Closed Shuvo31 closed 3 years ago

Shuvo31 commented 3 years ago

Need to import distro

Need to define that"os_name = distro.linux_distribution()[0]"

from setuptools import find_packages from setuptools import setup import platform import subprocess import re import distro

os_name = distro.linux_distribution()[0] if not os_name: if 'amzn' in platform.uname()[2]: os_name = 'centos'

files_definition = [ ('/etc/securetea', ['securetea.conf']), ('', ['securetea.conf']), ('/etc/securetea/asp', [ 'securetea/lib/auto_server_patcher/configs/commands.json', 'securetea/lib/auto_server_patcher/configs/config.json' ]), ('/etc/securetea/log_monitor/server_log/payloads', [ 'securetea/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/payloads/bad_ua.txt', 'securetea/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/payloads/lfi.txt', 'securetea/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/payloads/port_scan_ua.txt', 'securetea/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/payloads/sqli.txt', 'securetea/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/payloads/web_shell.txt', 'securetea/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/payloads/xss.txt']), ('/etc/securetea/log_monitor/server_log/regex', [ 'securetea/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/regex/sqli.txt', 'securetea/lib/log_monitor/server_log/rules/regex/xss.txt']), ('/etc/securetea/log_monitor/system_log', [ 'securetea/lib/log_monitor/system_log/harmful_command.txt' ]), ('/etc/securetea/web_deface', [ 'securetea/lib/web_deface/config/path_map.json' ]), ('/etc/securetea/antivirus', [ 'securetea/lib/antivirus/config/config.json' ]) ]

dependency-name to command mapping dict

DEPENDENCY_COMMAND_MAP = { "libnetfilter-queue-dev": {"debian": "sudo apt-get install " "build-essential python-dev " "libnetfilter-queue-dev"}, "clamav": {"debian": "sudo apt-get install clamav"} }

def execute_command(command): """Execute the commnand passed & return the output.

    command (str): Command to execute

    output (str): Output of the command execution
success = True

    output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    success = False

if success:
    return output.decode("utf-8")
    return None

def verify_installation(output): """Verify whether the installation is successful or not.

    output (str): Output after the execution

    TYPE: bool
found = re.findall(
    r'([0-9]+\supgraded).*([0-9]+\snewly installed)',

upgraded = found[0][0]
installed = found[0][1]

upgraded_num = re.findall(r'^[0-9]+', upgraded)
upgraded_num = int(upgraded_num[0])

installed_num = re.findall(r'^[0-9]+', installed)
installed_num = int(installed_num[0])

if (upgraded_num > 0 or installed_num > 0):
    return True

def install_dependency(dependency, command): """Install the dependency.

    dependency (str): Name of the dependency
    command (str): Command to execute to install
                   the dependency
print("[!] installing ", dependency)
# install the dependency
output = execute_command(command)
if output:
    if verify_installation(output):
        print("[+] ", dependency, " --installed")
        print("[-] ", dependency, "--failed")

def check_dependency(): """Check for the dependencies in the system."""

categorize OS

if os_name.lower() in ["ubuntu", "kali", "debian"]:
    system = "debian"
# elif some other based OS
else:  # if OS not in listing
    print("[!] No suitable command for OS: {0}".format(os_name))
    # exit & continue with rest of the installation

for dependency in DEPENDENCY_COMMAND_MAP.keys():

    flag = 0

    # if debian
    if system == "debian":
        # command for debian based OS to check installed or not
        command = "dpkg -s " + dependency + " |grep Status"
        output = execute_command(command)

        if output:
            if "install ok installed" in output:
                print("[!] ", dependency, " --already installed")
                flag = 1  # installed

    # elif some other based OS
    # add logic here to check whether dependency is installed

    # not installed (common for all)
    if flag == 0:
        # get the OS specific command
        command = DEPENDENCY_COMMAND_MAP[dependency][system]
        install_dependency(dependency, command)


entry_points = { 'console_scripts': [ 'securetea=securetea.entry_points.securetea_core_ep:run_core', 'securetea-server=securetea.entry_points.server_ep:start_server_process', 'securetea-system=securetea.entry_points.system_ep:start_system_process', 'securetea-iot=securetea.entry_points.iot_ep:start_iot_process' ] }

server_requirements = [ "pathlib", "wget", "yara-python", "clamd", "beautifulsoup4", "lxml", "clamd" ]

system_requirements = [ "pathlib", "wget", "yara-python", "clamd", "beautifulsoup4", "lxml", "clamd" ]

iot_requirements = [ "shodan" ]

setup( name='securetea', version='2.2', packages=find_packages(exclude=[ "test", ".test", ".test.", "test." ]), data_files=files_definition, entry_points=entry_points, license='MIT', description='SecureTea', long_description=open('doc/en-US/user_guide_pypi.md').read(), long_description_content_type='text/markdown', url='https://github.com/OWASP/SecureTea-Project', author='OWASP SecureTea', author_email='rejah.rehim@owasp.org', install_requires=[ "requests", "requests_oauthlib", "py_cpuinfo", "psutil", "flask", "flask_cors", "pynput", "python-telegram-bot", "twilio", "boto3", "geocoder", "pyudev", "ipwhois", "future", "scapy", "wget", "bs4", "shodan", "NetfilterQueue" ], extras_require={ 'server': server_requirements, 'system': system_requirements, 'iot': iot_requirements }, python_requires='>=2.7', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: Git', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Testing :: Unit', ], zip_safe=False )

adeyosemanputra commented 3 years ago

@prince-7 @pwned-17 please check it

Shuvo31 commented 3 years ago

As i checked your last commit this issue already been resolved 2 months ago. In the last commit u guys already fixed distro via this process, import distro os_name = distro.linux_distribution()[0]

@adeyosemanputra Thanks for concern.

adeyosemanputra commented 3 years ago

thank you @Shuvo31 . well done