Open jessymallet opened 2 months ago
To anticipate the setting up of tables that will be done via sirius component (and not view), we will begin to implement a form with Sirius Component including a pie chart.
For now, our representation view implement IRepresentationDescriptionProvider et they are adding to the list of Representation description views thanks to org.eclipse.syson.diagram.common.view.SysONViewDescriptionProvider
We should create a new class to load org.eclipse.sirius.components.representations.IRepresentationDescription
instead of org.eclipse.sirius.components.view.View
public class EasyModDescriptionProvider implements IEditingContextProcessor {
private final List<IRepresentationDescription> representationDescriptions;
public void preProcess(IEditingContext editingContext) {
if (editingContext instanceof EditingContext siriusWebEditingContext) {
Then we create an instance of org.eclipse.sirius.components.forms.description.FormDescription
representing our form. This form will include one page with one group and two widgets : the pie chart and the future table.
Apres discussion avec @jessymallet pour savoir que faire quand il n'y avait pas d'élément, il m'a dit de ne pas traiter le cas pour le moment.
This form view allow to have an overview on allocated function among all functions defined in the model. After user allocates a function from the PBS diagram by using semantic Drag & drop (Function to LogicalConstituent), this view will display results :
Example of expected behavior
EasyMod table behavior