Control points of lines connected to a shape are updated when position of the shape is changed, but not when extent is changed. For default (Centered) attach point, it does not matter, but for all other attach points, it does - when the shape is resized, the line does not move even if it should. Only way to hotfix it from user end is to have extent event subscriptions that call update on the lines or updateConnectedLines on the shapes that can be resized.
c := RSCanvas new.
b1 := RSBox new.
b1 size: 100.
b1 translateTo: -150@0.
b2 := RSBox new.
b2 size: 100.
b2 translateTo: 150@0.
l := RSLine new.
l from: b1; to: b2.
l withBorderAttachPoint.
c add: b1; add: b2; add: l.
c open.
b1 size: 10
Control points of lines connected to a shape are updated when position of the shape is changed, but not when extent is changed. For default (Centered) attach point, it does not matter, but for all other attach points, it does - when the shape is resized, the line does not move even if it should. Only way to hotfix it from user end is to have extent event subscriptions that call update on the lines or updateConnectedLines on the shapes that can be resized.