ObsessiveCompulsiveAudiophile / AudysseyOne

Audyssey MultEQ calibration optimization with REW API
MIT License
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Speaker Crossover Issue #15

Open LCel12 opened 2 months ago

LCel12 commented 2 months ago


I have just finished optimizing my Ady calibration using AudysseyOne V1.3. My question concerns my surround speakers' crossover (XO). According to AudysseyOne, Surround left has an XO of 150 hz and Surround right has an XO of 90 hz... According to AudysseyOne, this speaker pair should be set at lowest XO hz right? so 90hz? Yet, once it is in the MultEQ Editor App, XO is set at 150 hz. Is it an error?


Thank you, very much appreciate your work OCA!