ObsidianMC / Obsidian

A C# implementation of the Minecraft server protocol.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not Found #404

Open Seb-stian opened 9 months ago

Aaron2550 commented 9 months ago


Ma-tes commented 9 months ago

Actually, there is even more in this Issue... Let's say that you will sum up ascii values of NotFound, which is equal to 813, then you will naturally shifted to right by 1 right ? I better just calculate it though...

  1. SNF(Sum Not Found) = $813$
  2. SS(Sum Seb-stian) = $870$
  3. NFc(Not found count) = $8$
  4. Sc(Seb-stian count) = $9$

    Not Found equation

    $NFe = SNF >> 1 \oplus \frac{SNF \div \frac{SS}{Sc}}{NFc} \times 2$ $NFe = 813 >> 1 \oplus \frac{813 \div \frac{870}{9}}{8} \times 2$ $NFe = 406 \oplus 2$

    $NFe = 404$

Naamloos commented 9 months ago

sir we are a minecraft server

Craftplacer commented 9 months ago

please refer to https://obsidian.md/community, we are ObsidianMC not obsidian.md