OdooCommunityWidgets / website_multi_image

Odoo Website Multi-Image Module
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Carousel on mobile phone #11

Open mapeal2 opened 9 years ago

mapeal2 commented 9 years ago

Hi Luke!!

Thanks for sharing this project, it's most needed.

I've set up a product on a test instance and uploaded some photos. Everything looks fine on my desktop and tablet, but when I try to visualize the owl carousel on my iphone the images are not displayed correctly. Would you please advice?

Thanks and regards.

lukebranch commented 9 years ago

@mapeal2 ,

Thanks for the feedback! Could you provide me with some more details about the environment you're viewing it in (eg. iPhone model, OS, browser, etc.)? If you could provide a screenshot and perhaps the current behaviour, and expected behaviour this would be very useful.

Once I've got this from you i'll work on getting this resolved as soon as possible.

[UPDATE]: I've tested and been able to reproduce this issue on smaller phone screens. It is due to the way the new OwlCarousel2 is working with reponsive layouts and is a known issue with the project (version two is now in 2.0.0-beta.2.4). I may try switching back to the original 1.0 version (OwlCarousel) to see if this is resolved in the previous version in the meantime until a PR has been issued against the 2.0 version to resolve the issue.

mapeal2 commented 9 years ago

Hi Luke,

Thank you so much for the quick response.

These are the details:

If necessary I'll attach screen-shots, but I think it might confuse you even more. Let's see if I can explain myself properly: when a product with multiple images is displayed, the carousel is fine on desktop and tablet, but on the mobile the big images are displayed sequentially (from left to right) and I have to scroll to the right side of the screen to see the thumbs. When the small images appear, the big ones get magnified and it's not possible to do anything else, and the thumbs disappear again from the screen. Whenever I try to move across the images again, the first one gets zoomed even more until I can only see small pixels on my screen.

I guess that in this case, the images should be displayed sequentially from top to bottom and no thumbs should be displayed, to improve user's experience on mobiles. This is just a suggestion, I think in this cases the view should get simplified.

Thanks again for your time.

lukebranch commented 9 years ago

@mapeal2 ,

I've noticed the bug myself, unfortunately it's due to the current beta-2.4 version of the OwlCarousel2 project. I'll try switching over to the original OwlCarousel library which I believe does not have this bug.

I'll update this issue thread once I have found a solution.

mapeal2 commented 9 years ago

@lukebranch Take a look at blueimp, seems quite interesting as well: https://blueimp.github.io/Gallery/

ctorreslopez commented 9 years ago

Hi Luke, I have the same problem mapeal2. Responsive not working in mobile phone

lukebranch commented 9 years ago

@ctorreslopez ,

I will issue a fix for this as soon as possible. I am currently extremely busy with another project but I will commit some time to do some updates soon.

ctorreslopez commented 9 years ago


Ok Luke, thank for replying

Xpiva commented 9 years ago

Does anyone know if this works on the SAAS-6 version, I tried and all of the images seem to stack vertical from top to bottom

lukebranch commented 9 years ago

@Xpiva ,

Can you provide me with steps to reproduce? I have not looked into the new architecture changes introduced in SaaS-6 in much detail, as i'm waiting for the release of Odoo 9.0 before starting any work on porting the module over.

Modifying the code to work with SaaS-6 should not be too difficult however. Are you using this in Odoo online somehow, or are you just running a local instance of SaaS-6 for testing?