OfficeDev / microsoft-teams-apps-groupconnect

Welcome to the group connect Teams app template!
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Deployment Error #61

Open SuchetaPa opened 1 year ago

SuchetaPa commented 1 year ago

I am trying to deploy this app on our test tenant. I am deploying using Global Admin account and I got error when I tried to deploy when I clicked on Review + Create button, I am getting following error: {"code":"InvalidTemplateDeployment","details":[{"code":"SpecialFeatureOrQuotaIdRequired","message":"The subscription does not have QuotaId/Feature required by SKU 'S0' from kind 'QnAMaker' ."}],"message":"The template deployment 'Microsoft.Template-20230202100845' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is '3e3d6e82-dd0aa0'. See inner errors for details."}

After doing some internet searches I figured it has to do with the QnA Maker which is going to be retired in 2025 and also the referred pricing plan S0 is not available anymore. But the Qna Maker Sku only has two options S0 and F0 both of which are throwing same error.

Please help so we can deploy and test this App and if users like it deploy to production.

cgomeza92 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have the same problem, maybe could find a solution?