Open dizzy-egg opened 1 week ago
That caused by floating-point precision rounding errors. There no solution for that in general numbers. However if you try stay on grid and other conditions is meet, there can be apply some fixes. But this numbers usually not make difference for BSP, if builder do that properly. 469e contain a lot fixes for builder, so possible this difference not affect maps built on 469e. Can't say same for pre-469e.
What exactly do you do? Brush scaling (snapped or not) not alter vertex coordinates. Do you make transform permanently after?
Apologies if this has already been reported or discussed, but the brush scaling tool in UEd often seems to mess up even simple brushes.
For example if I resize a brush using the Snapped Brush Scaling tool (snap to grid enabled), the resulting brush can have BSP cuts or appear off-grid.
Illustrative example from a brush created without scaling tool:
Example from a similar brush created with scaling tool (note the imprecise coordinates):