Olezen / UnitySourceMovement

Source engine-like movement in Unity, based on Fragsurf by cr4yz (Jake E.).
MIT License
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Jump Landing Glitch? #19

Open Thundros opened 3 years ago

Thundros commented 3 years ago

Hi, @Olezen ! So 1st off I'd like to say, this is one HECK of a script! I absolutely LOVE it! :) KUDOS to you my friend! Kudos to you! <3 I have a small question, however. So, for some reason my character landing after a jump is just a little over 1.0f on the Y axis. How can I fix this? Also, I apologize for pasting the codes here but paste.ofcode.org only allows up to a week before it deletes scripts off its' servers.

Here's my character script

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

namespace Fragsurf.Movement {

    /// <summary>
    /// Easily add a surfable character to the scene
    /// </summary>
    [AddComponentMenu ("Fragsurf/Surf Character")]
    public class SurfCharacter : MonoBehaviour, ISurfControllable {

        public enum ColliderType {

        ///// Fields /////

        [Header("Physics Settings")]
        public Vector3 colliderSize = new Vector3 (1f, 2f, 1f);
        [HideInInspector] public ColliderType collisionType { get { return ColliderType.Box; } } // Capsule doesn't work anymore; I'll have to figure out why some other time, sorry.
        public float weight = 75f;
        public float rigidbodyPushForce = 2f;
        public bool solidCollider = false;

        [Header("View Settings")]
        public Transform viewTransform;
        public Transform playerRotationTransform;

        [Header ("Crouching setup")]
        public float crouchingHeightMultiplier = 0.5f;
        public float crouchingSpeed = 10f;
        float defaultHeight;
        bool allowCrouch = true; // This is separate because you shouldn't be able to toggle crouching on and off during gameplay for various reasons

        [Header ("Features")]
        public bool crouchingEnabled = true;
        public bool slidingEnabled = false;
        public bool laddersEnabled = true;
        public bool supportAngledLadders = true;

        [Header ("Step offset (can be buggy, enable at your own risk)")]
        public bool useStepOffset = false;
        public float stepOffset = 0.35f;

        [Header ("Movement Config")]
        public MovementConfig movementConfig;

        private GameObject _groundObject;
        private Vector3 _baseVelocity;
        private Collider _collider;
        private Vector3 _angles;
        private Vector3 _startPosition;
        private GameObject _colliderObject;
        private GameObject _cameraWaterCheckObject;
        private CameraWaterCheck _cameraWaterCheck;

        private MoveData _moveData = new MoveData ();
        private SurfController _controller = new SurfController ();

        private Rigidbody rb;

        private List<Collider> triggers = new List<Collider> ();
        private int numberOfTriggers = 0;

        private bool underwater = false;

        private float _wishJumpScroll;

        ///// Properties /////

        public MoveType moveType { get { return MoveType.Walk; } }
        public MovementConfig moveConfig { get { return movementConfig; } }
        public MoveData moveData { get { return _moveData; } }
        public new Collider collider { get { return _collider; } }

        public GameObject groundObject {

            get { return _groundObject; }
            set { _groundObject = value; }


        public Vector3 baseVelocity { get { return _baseVelocity; } }

        public Vector3 forward { get { return viewTransform.forward; } }
        public Vector3 right { get { return viewTransform.right; } }
        public Vector3 up { get { return viewTransform.up; } }

        Vector3 prevPosition;

        ///// Methods /////

        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Gizmos.color = Color.blue;
            Gizmos.DrawWireCube( transform.position, colliderSize );

        private void Awake () {

            _controller.playerTransform = playerRotationTransform;

            if (viewTransform != null) {

                _controller.camera = viewTransform;
                _controller.cameraYPos = viewTransform.localPosition.y;



        private void Start () {

            _colliderObject = new GameObject ("PlayerCollider");
            _colliderObject.layer = gameObject.layer;
            _colliderObject.transform.SetParent (transform);
            _colliderObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
            _colliderObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            _colliderObject.transform.SetSiblingIndex (0);

            // Water check
            _cameraWaterCheckObject = new GameObject ("Camera water check");
            _cameraWaterCheckObject.layer = gameObject.layer;
            _cameraWaterCheckObject.transform.position = viewTransform.position;

            SphereCollider _cameraWaterCheckSphere = _cameraWaterCheckObject.AddComponent<SphereCollider> ();
            _cameraWaterCheckSphere.radius = 0.1f;
            _cameraWaterCheckSphere.isTrigger = true;

            Rigidbody _cameraWaterCheckRb = _cameraWaterCheckObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody> ();
            _cameraWaterCheckRb.useGravity = false;
            _cameraWaterCheckRb.isKinematic = true;

            _cameraWaterCheck = _cameraWaterCheckObject.AddComponent<CameraWaterCheck> ();

            prevPosition = transform.position;

            if (viewTransform == null)
                viewTransform = Camera.main.transform;

            if (playerRotationTransform == null && transform.childCount > 0)
                playerRotationTransform = transform.GetChild (0);

            _collider = gameObject.GetComponent<Collider> ();

            if (_collider != null)
                GameObject.Destroy (_collider);

            // rigidbody is required to collide with triggers
            rb = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
            if (rb == null)
                rb = gameObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody> ();

            allowCrouch = crouchingEnabled;

            rb.isKinematic = true;
            rb.useGravity = false;
            rb.angularDrag = 0f;
            rb.drag = 0f;
            rb.mass = weight;

            switch (collisionType) {

                // Box collider
                case ColliderType.Box:

                _collider = _colliderObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider> ();

                var boxc = (BoxCollider)_collider;
                boxc.size = colliderSize;
                Debug.Log ( $"boxc.size : { boxc.size }" );

                defaultHeight = boxc.size.y;


                // Capsule collider
                case ColliderType.Capsule:

                _collider = _colliderObject.AddComponent<CapsuleCollider> ();

                var capc = (CapsuleCollider)_collider;
                capc.height = colliderSize.y;
                capc.radius = colliderSize.x / 2f;
                Debug.Log ( $"capc.radius : { capc.radius }" );

                defaultHeight = capc.height;



            _moveData.slopeLimit = movementConfig.slopeLimit;

            _moveData.rigidbodyPushForce = rigidbodyPushForce;

            _moveData.slidingEnabled = slidingEnabled;
            _moveData.laddersEnabled = laddersEnabled;
            _moveData.angledLaddersEnabled = supportAngledLadders;

            _moveData.playerTransform = transform;
            _moveData.viewTransform = viewTransform;
            _moveData.viewTransformDefaultLocalPos = viewTransform.localPosition;

            _moveData.defaultHeight = defaultHeight;
            _moveData.crouchingHeight = crouchingHeightMultiplier;
            _moveData.crouchingSpeed = crouchingSpeed;

            _collider.isTrigger = !solidCollider;
            _moveData.origin = transform.position;
            _startPosition = transform.position;

            _moveData.useStepOffset = useStepOffset;
            _moveData.stepOffset = stepOffset;


        private void Update () {

            _colliderObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

            //UpdateTestBinds ();
            UpdateMoveData ();

            // Previous movement code
            Vector3 positionalMovement = transform.position - prevPosition;
            transform.position = prevPosition;
            moveData.origin += positionalMovement;

            // Triggers
            if (numberOfTriggers != triggers.Count) {
                numberOfTriggers = triggers.Count;

                underwater = false;
                triggers.RemoveAll (item => item == null);
                foreach (Collider trigger in triggers) {

                    if (trigger == null)

                    if (trigger.GetComponentInParent<Water> ())
                        underwater = true;



            _moveData.cameraUnderwater = _cameraWaterCheck.IsUnderwater ();
            _cameraWaterCheckObject.transform.position = viewTransform.position;
            moveData.underwater = underwater;

            if (allowCrouch)
                _controller.Crouch (this, movementConfig, Time.deltaTime);

            _controller.ProcessMovement (this, movementConfig, Time.deltaTime);

            transform.position = moveData.origin;
            prevPosition = transform.position;

            _colliderObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;


        private void UpdateTestBinds () {

            if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Backspace))
                ResetPosition ();


        private void ResetPosition () {

            moveData.velocity = Vector3.zero;
            moveData.origin = _startPosition;


        private void UpdateMoveData () {

            _moveData.verticalAxis = Input.GetAxisRaw ("Vertical");
            _moveData.horizontalAxis = Input.GetAxisRaw ("Horizontal");

            _moveData.sprinting = Input.GetButton ("Sprint");

            if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Crouch"))
                _moveData.crouching = true;

            if (!Input.GetButton ("Crouch"))
                _moveData.crouching = false;

            bool moveLeft = _moveData.horizontalAxis < 0f;
            bool moveRight = _moveData.horizontalAxis > 0f;
            bool moveFwd = _moveData.verticalAxis > 0f;
            bool moveBack = _moveData.verticalAxis < 0f;
            bool jump = Input.GetButton ("Jump");

            if (!moveLeft && !moveRight)
                _moveData.sideMove = 0f;
            else if (moveLeft)
                _moveData.sideMove = -moveConfig.acceleration;
            else if (moveRight)
                _moveData.sideMove = moveConfig.acceleration;

            if (!moveFwd && !moveBack)
                _moveData.forwardMove = 0f;
            else if (moveFwd)
                _moveData.forwardMove = moveConfig.acceleration;
            else if (moveBack)
                _moveData.forwardMove = -moveConfig.acceleration;

            if(_wishJumpScroll >= 0f)
                _wishJumpScroll -= Time.deltaTime*0.5f;

            float mouseWheelAxis = Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse ScrollWheel"));
            _wishJumpScroll = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Lerp(0, _wishJumpScroll+mouseWheelAxis*20f, 0.5f), 0f, 2f);

            if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Jump") || _wishJumpScroll >= 0.04f || mouseWheelAxis >= 0.05f)
                _moveData.wishJump = true;

            else if (!Input.GetButton ("Jump"))
                _moveData.wishJump = false;

            _moveData.viewAngles = _angles;


        private void DisableInput () {

            _moveData.verticalAxis = 0f;
            _moveData.horizontalAxis = 0f;
            _moveData.sideMove = 0f;
            _moveData.forwardMove = 0f;
            _moveData.wishJump = false;


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="angle"></param>
        /// <param name="from"></param>
        /// <param name="to"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float ClampAngle (float angle, float from, float to) {

            if (angle < 0f)
                angle = 360 + angle;

            if (angle > 180f)
                return Mathf.Max (angle, 360 + from);

            return Mathf.Min (angle, to);


        private void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other) {

            if (!triggers.Contains (other))
                triggers.Add (other);


        private void OnTriggerExit (Collider other) {

            if (triggers.Contains (other))
                triggers.Remove (other);


        private void OnCollisionStay (Collision collision) {

            if (collision.rigidbody == null)

            Vector3 relativeVelocity = collision.relativeVelocity * collision.rigidbody.mass / 50f;
            Vector3 impactVelocity = new Vector3 (relativeVelocity.x * 0.0025f, relativeVelocity.y * 0.00025f, relativeVelocity.z * 0.0025f);

            float maxYVel = Mathf.Max (moveData.velocity.y, 10f);
            Vector3 newVelocity = new Vector3 (moveData.velocity.x + impactVelocity.x, Mathf.Clamp (moveData.velocity.y + Mathf.Clamp (impactVelocity.y, -0.5f, 0.5f), -maxYVel, maxYVel), moveData.velocity.z + impactVelocity.z);

            newVelocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude (newVelocity, Mathf.Max (moveData.velocity.magnitude, 30f));
            moveData.velocity = newVelocity;




Here's my character's controller

using UnityEngine;
using Fragsurf.TraceUtil;

namespace Fragsurf.Movement {
    public class SurfController {

        ///// Fields /////

        [HideInInspector] public Transform playerTransform;
        private ISurfControllable _surfer;
        private MovementConfig _config;
        private float _deltaTime;

        public bool jumping = false;
        public bool crouching = false;
        public float speed = 0f;

        public Transform camera;
        public float cameraYPos = 0f;

        private float slideSpeedCurrent = 0f;
        private Vector3 slideDirection = Vector3.forward;

        private bool sliding = false;
        private bool wasSliding = false;
        private float slideDelay = 0f;

        private bool uncrouchDown = false;
        private float crouchLerp = 0f;

        private float frictionMult = 1f;

        ///// Methods /////

        Vector3 groundNormal = Vector3.up;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessMovement (ISurfControllable surfer, MovementConfig config, float deltaTime) {

            // cache instead of passing around parameters
            _surfer = surfer;
            _config = config;
            _deltaTime = deltaTime;

            if (_surfer.moveData.laddersEnabled && !_surfer.moveData.climbingLadder) {

                // Look for ladders
                LadderCheck (new Vector3(1f, 0.95f, 1f), _surfer.moveData.velocity * Mathf.Clamp (Time.deltaTime * 2f, 0.025f, 0.25f));


            if (_surfer.moveData.laddersEnabled && _surfer.moveData.climbingLadder) {

                LadderPhysics ();

            } else if (!_surfer.moveData.underwater) {

                if (_surfer.moveData.velocity.y <= 0f)
                    jumping = false;

                // apply gravity
                if (_surfer.groundObject == null) {

                    _surfer.moveData.velocity.y -= (_surfer.moveData.gravityFactor * _config.gravity * _deltaTime);
                    _surfer.moveData.velocity.y += _surfer.baseVelocity.y * _deltaTime;


                // input velocity, check for ground
                CheckGrounded ();
                CalculateMovementVelocity ();

            } else {

                // Do underwater logic
                UnderwaterPhysics ();


            float yVel = _surfer.moveData.velocity.y;
            _surfer.moveData.velocity.y = 0f;
            _surfer.moveData.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude (_surfer.moveData.velocity, _config.maxVelocity);
            speed =  _surfer.moveData.velocity.magnitude;
            _surfer.moveData.velocity.y = yVel;

            if (_surfer.moveData.velocity.sqrMagnitude == 0f) {

                // Do collisions while standing still
                SurfPhysics.ResolveCollisions (_surfer.collider, ref _surfer.moveData.origin, ref _surfer.moveData.velocity, _surfer.moveData.rigidbodyPushForce, 1f, _surfer.moveData.stepOffset, _surfer);

            } else {

                float maxDistPerFrame = 0.2f;
                Vector3 velocityThisFrame = _surfer.moveData.velocity * _deltaTime;
                float velocityDistLeft = velocityThisFrame.magnitude;
                float initialVel = velocityDistLeft;
                while (velocityDistLeft > 0f) {

                    float amountThisLoop = Mathf.Min (maxDistPerFrame, velocityDistLeft);
                    velocityDistLeft -= amountThisLoop;

                    // increment origin
                    Vector3 velThisLoop = velocityThisFrame * (amountThisLoop / initialVel);
                    _surfer.moveData.origin += velThisLoop;

                    // don't penetrate walls
                    SurfPhysics.ResolveCollisions (_surfer.collider, ref _surfer.moveData.origin, ref _surfer.moveData.velocity, _surfer.moveData.rigidbodyPushForce, amountThisLoop / initialVel, _surfer.moveData.stepOffset, _surfer);



            _surfer.moveData.groundedTemp = _surfer.moveData.grounded;

            _surfer = null;


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void CalculateMovementVelocity () {
            switch (_surfer.moveType) {

                case MoveType.Walk:

                if (_surfer.groundObject == null) {

                    // AIR MOVEMENT

                    wasSliding = false;

                    // apply movement from input
                    _surfer.moveData.velocity += AirInputMovement ();

                    // let the magic happen
                    SurfPhysics.Reflect (ref _surfer.moveData.velocity, _surfer.collider, _surfer.moveData.origin, _deltaTime);

                } else {

                    //  GROUND MOVEMENT

                    // Sliding
                    if (!wasSliding) {

                        slideDirection = new Vector3 (_surfer.moveData.velocity.x, 0f, _surfer.moveData.velocity.z).normalized;
                        slideSpeedCurrent = Mathf.Max (_config.maximumSlideSpeed, new Vector3 (_surfer.moveData.velocity.x, 0f, _surfer.moveData.velocity.z).magnitude);


                    sliding = false;
                    if (_surfer.moveData.velocity.magnitude > _config.minimumSlideSpeed && _surfer.moveData.slidingEnabled && _surfer.moveData.crouching && slideDelay <= 0f) {

                        if (!wasSliding)
                            slideSpeedCurrent = Mathf.Clamp (slideSpeedCurrent * _config.slideSpeedMultiplier, _config.minimumSlideSpeed, _config.maximumSlideSpeed);

                        sliding = true;
                        wasSliding = true;
                        SlideMovement ();

                    } else {

                        if (slideDelay > 0f)
                            slideDelay -= _deltaTime;

                        if (wasSliding)
                            slideDelay = _config.slideDelay;

                        wasSliding = false;


                    float fric = crouching ? _config.crouchFriction : _config.friction;
                    float accel = crouching ? _config.crouchAcceleration : _config.acceleration;
                    float decel = crouching ? _config.crouchDeceleration : _config.deceleration;

                    // Get movement directions
                    Vector3 forward = Vector3.Cross (groundNormal, -playerTransform.right);
                    Vector3 right = Vector3.Cross (groundNormal, forward);

                    float speed = _surfer.moveData.sprinting ? _config.sprintSpeed : _config.walkSpeed;
                    if (crouching)
                        speed = _config.crouchSpeed;

                    Vector3 _wishDir;

                    // Jump and friction
                    if (_surfer.moveData.wishJump) {

                        ApplyFriction (0.0f, true, true);
                        Jump ();

                    } else {

                        ApplyFriction (1.0f * frictionMult, true, true);


                    float forwardMove = _surfer.moveData.verticalAxis;
                    float rightMove = _surfer.moveData.horizontalAxis;

                    _wishDir = forwardMove * forward + rightMove * right;
                    _wishDir.Normalize ();
                    Vector3 moveDirNorm = _wishDir;

                    Vector3 forwardVelocity = Vector3.Cross (groundNormal, Quaternion.AngleAxis (-90, Vector3.up) * new Vector3 (_surfer.moveData.velocity.x, 0f, _surfer.moveData.velocity.z));

                    // Set the target speed of the player
                    float _wishSpeed = _wishDir.magnitude;
                    _wishSpeed *= speed;

                    // Accelerate
                    float yVel = _surfer.moveData.velocity.y;
                    Accelerate (_wishDir, _wishSpeed, accel * Mathf.Min (frictionMult, 1f), false);

                    float maxVelocityMagnitude = _config.maxVelocity;
                    _surfer.moveData.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude (new Vector3 (_surfer.moveData.velocity.x, 0f, _surfer.moveData.velocity.z), maxVelocityMagnitude);
                    _surfer.moveData.velocity.y = yVel;

                    // Calculate how much slopes should affect movement
                    float yVelocityNew = forwardVelocity.normalized.y * new Vector3 (_surfer.moveData.velocity.x, 0f, _surfer.moveData.velocity.z).magnitude;

                    // Apply the Y-movement from slopes
                    _surfer.moveData.velocity.y = yVelocityNew * (_wishDir.y < 0f ? 1.2f : 1.0f);
                    float removableYVelocity = _surfer.moveData.velocity.y - yVelocityNew;



            } // END OF SWITCH STATEMENT

        private void UnderwaterPhysics () {

            _surfer.moveData.velocity = Vector3.Lerp (_surfer.moveData.velocity, Vector3.zero, _config.underwaterVelocityDampening * _deltaTime);

            // Gravity
            if (!CheckGrounded ())
                _surfer.moveData.velocity.y -= _config.underwaterGravity * _deltaTime;

            // Swimming upwards
            if (Input.GetButton ("Jump"))
                _surfer.moveData.velocity.y += _config.swimUpSpeed * _deltaTime;

            float fric = _config.underwaterFriction;
            float accel = _config.underwaterAcceleration;
            float decel = _config.underwaterDeceleration;

            ApplyFriction (1f, true, false);

            // Get movement directions
            Vector3 forward = Vector3.Cross (groundNormal, -playerTransform.right);
            Vector3 right = Vector3.Cross (groundNormal, forward);

            float speed = _config.underwaterSwimSpeed;

            Vector3 _wishDir;

            float forwardMove = _surfer.moveData.verticalAxis;
            float rightMove = _surfer.moveData.horizontalAxis;

            _wishDir = forwardMove * forward + rightMove * right;
            _wishDir.Normalize ();
            Vector3 moveDirNorm = _wishDir;

            Vector3 forwardVelocity = Vector3.Cross (groundNormal, Quaternion.AngleAxis (-90, Vector3.up) * new Vector3 (_surfer.moveData.velocity.x, 0f, _surfer.moveData.velocity.z));

            // Set the target speed of the player
            float _wishSpeed = _wishDir.magnitude;
            _wishSpeed *= speed;

            // Accelerate
            float yVel = _surfer.moveData.velocity.y;
            Accelerate (_wishDir, _wishSpeed, accel, false);

            float maxVelocityMagnitude = _config.maxVelocity;
            _surfer.moveData.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude (new Vector3 (_surfer.moveData.velocity.x, 0f, _surfer.moveData.velocity.z), maxVelocityMagnitude);
            _surfer.moveData.velocity.y = yVel;

            float yVelStored = _surfer.moveData.velocity.y;
            _surfer.moveData.velocity.y = 0f;

            // Calculate how much slopes should affect movement
            float yVelocityNew = forwardVelocity.normalized.y * new Vector3 (_surfer.moveData.velocity.x, 0f, _surfer.moveData.velocity.z).magnitude;

            // Apply the Y-movement from slopes
            _surfer.moveData.velocity.y = Mathf.Min (Mathf.Max (0f, yVelocityNew) + yVelStored, speed);

            // Jumping out of water
            bool movingForwards = playerTransform.InverseTransformVector (_surfer.moveData.velocity).z > 0f;
            Trace waterJumpTrace = TraceBounds (playerTransform.position, playerTransform.position + playerTransform.forward * 0.1f, SurfPhysics.groundLayerMask);
            if (waterJumpTrace.hitCollider != null && Vector3.Angle (Vector3.up, waterJumpTrace.planeNormal) >= _config.slopeLimit && Input.GetButton ("Jump") && !_surfer.moveData.cameraUnderwater && movingForwards)
                _surfer.moveData.velocity.y = Mathf.Max (_surfer.moveData.velocity.y, _config.jumpForce);


        private void LadderCheck (Vector3 colliderScale, Vector3 direction) {

            if (_surfer.moveData.velocity.sqrMagnitude <= 0f)

            bool foundLadder = false;

            RaycastHit [] hits = Physics.BoxCastAll (_surfer.moveData.origin, Vector3.Scale (_surfer.collider.bounds.size * 0.5f, colliderScale), Vector3.Scale (direction, new Vector3 (1f, 0f, 1f)), Quaternion.identity, direction.magnitude, SurfPhysics.groundLayerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide);
            foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits) {

                Ladder ladder = hit.transform.GetComponentInParent<Ladder> ();
                if (ladder != null) {

                    bool allowClimb = true;
                    float ladderAngle = Vector3.Angle (Vector3.up, hit.normal);
                    if (_surfer.moveData.angledLaddersEnabled) {

                        if (hit.normal.y < 0f)
                            allowClimb = false;
                        else {

                            if (ladderAngle <= _surfer.moveData.slopeLimit)
                                allowClimb = false;


                    } else if (hit.normal.y != 0f)
                        allowClimb = false;

                    if (allowClimb) {
                        foundLadder = true;
                        if (_surfer.moveData.climbingLadder == false) {

                            _surfer.moveData.climbingLadder = true;
                            _surfer.moveData.ladderNormal = hit.normal;
                            _surfer.moveData.ladderDirection = -hit.normal * direction.magnitude * 2f;

                            if (_surfer.moveData.angledLaddersEnabled) {

                                Vector3 sideDir = hit.normal;
                                sideDir.y = 0f;
                                sideDir = Quaternion.AngleAxis (-90f, Vector3.up) * sideDir;

                                _surfer.moveData.ladderClimbDir = Quaternion.AngleAxis (90f, sideDir) * hit.normal;
                                _surfer.moveData.ladderClimbDir *= 1f/ _surfer.moveData.ladderClimbDir.y; // Make sure Y is always 1

                            } else
                                _surfer.moveData.ladderClimbDir = Vector3.up;





            if (!foundLadder) {

                _surfer.moveData.ladderNormal = Vector3.zero;
                _surfer.moveData.ladderVelocity = Vector3.zero;
                _surfer.moveData.climbingLadder = false;
                _surfer.moveData.ladderClimbDir = Vector3.up;



        private void LadderPhysics () {

            _surfer.moveData.ladderVelocity = _surfer.moveData.ladderClimbDir * _surfer.moveData.verticalAxis * 6f;

            _surfer.moveData.velocity = Vector3.Lerp (_surfer.moveData.velocity, _surfer.moveData.ladderVelocity, Time.deltaTime * 10f);

            LadderCheck (Vector3.one, _surfer.moveData.ladderDirection);

            Trace floorTrace = TraceToFloor ();
            if (_surfer.moveData.verticalAxis < 0f && floorTrace.hitCollider != null && Vector3.Angle (Vector3.up, floorTrace.planeNormal) <= _surfer.moveData.slopeLimit) {

                _surfer.moveData.velocity = _surfer.moveData.ladderNormal * 0.5f;
                _surfer.moveData.ladderVelocity = Vector3.zero;
                _surfer.moveData.climbingLadder = false;


            if (_surfer.moveData.wishJump) {

                _surfer.moveData.velocity = _surfer.moveData.ladderNormal * 4f;
                _surfer.moveData.ladderVelocity = Vector3.zero;
                _surfer.moveData.climbingLadder = false;



        private void Accelerate (Vector3 wishDir, float wishSpeed, float acceleration, bool yMovement) {

            // Initialise variables
            float _addSpeed;
            float _accelerationSpeed;
            float _currentSpeed;

            // again, no idea
            _currentSpeed = Vector3.Dot (_surfer.moveData.velocity, wishDir);
            _addSpeed = wishSpeed - _currentSpeed;

            // If you're not actually increasing your speed, stop here.
            if (_addSpeed <= 0)

            // won't bother trying to understand any of this, really
            _accelerationSpeed = Mathf.Min (acceleration * _deltaTime * wishSpeed, _addSpeed);

            // Add the velocity.
            _surfer.moveData.velocity.x += _accelerationSpeed * wishDir.x;
            if (yMovement) { _surfer.moveData.velocity.y += _accelerationSpeed * wishDir.y; }
            _surfer.moveData.velocity.z += _accelerationSpeed * wishDir.z;


        private void ApplyFriction (float t, bool yAffected, bool grounded) {

            // Initialise variables
            Vector3 _vel = _surfer.moveData.velocity;
            float _speed;
            float _newSpeed;
            float _control;
            float _drop;

            // Set Y to 0, speed to the magnitude of movement and drop to 0. I think drop is the amount of speed that is lost, but I just stole this from the internet, idk.
            _vel.y = 0.0f;
            _speed = _vel.magnitude;
            _drop = 0.0f;

            float fric = crouching ? _config.crouchFriction : _config.friction;
            float accel = crouching ? _config.crouchAcceleration : _config.acceleration;
            float decel = crouching ? _config.crouchDeceleration : _config.deceleration;

            // Only apply friction if the player is grounded
            if (grounded) {

                // i honestly have no idea what this does tbh
                _vel.y = _surfer.moveData.velocity.y;
                _control = _speed < decel ? decel : _speed;
                _drop = _control * fric * _deltaTime * t;


            // again, no idea, but comments look cool
            _newSpeed = Mathf.Max (_speed - _drop, 0f);
            if (_speed > 0.0f)
                _newSpeed /= _speed;

            // Set the end-velocity
            _surfer.moveData.velocity.x *= _newSpeed;
            if (yAffected == true) { _surfer.moveData.velocity.y *= _newSpeed; }
            _surfer.moveData.velocity.z *= _newSpeed;


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Vector3 AirInputMovement () {

            Vector3 wishVel, wishDir;
            float wishSpeed;

            GetWishValues (out wishVel, out wishDir, out wishSpeed);

            if (_config.clampAirSpeed && (wishSpeed != 0f && (wishSpeed > _config.maxSpeed))) {

                wishVel = wishVel * (_config.maxSpeed / wishSpeed);
                wishSpeed = _config.maxSpeed;


            return SurfPhysics.AirAccelerate (_surfer.moveData.velocity, wishDir, wishSpeed, _config.airAcceleration, _config.airCap, _deltaTime);


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wishVel"></param>
        /// <param name="wishDir"></param>
        /// <param name="wishSpeed"></param>
        private void GetWishValues (out Vector3 wishVel, out Vector3 wishDir, out float wishSpeed) {

            wishVel = Vector3.zero;
            wishDir = Vector3.zero;
            wishSpeed = 0f;

            Vector3 forward = _surfer.forward,
                right = _surfer.right;

            forward [1] = 0;
            right [1] = 0;
            forward.Normalize ();
            right.Normalize ();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                wishVel [i] = forward [i] * _surfer.moveData.forwardMove + right [i] * _surfer.moveData.sideMove;
            wishVel [1] = 0;

            wishSpeed = wishVel.magnitude;
            wishDir = wishVel.normalized;


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="velocity"></param>
        /// <param name="jumpPower"></param>
        private void Jump () {

            if (!_config.autoBhop)
                _surfer.moveData.wishJump = false;

            _surfer.moveData.velocity.y += _config.jumpForce;
            jumping = true;


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private bool CheckGrounded () {

            _surfer.moveData.surfaceFriction = 1f;
            var movingUp = _surfer.moveData.velocity.y > 0f;
            var trace = TraceToFloor ();

            float groundSteepness = Vector3.Angle (Vector3.up, trace.planeNormal);

            if (trace.hitCollider == null || groundSteepness > _config.slopeLimit || (jumping && _surfer.moveData.velocity.y > 0f)) {

                SetGround (null);

                if (movingUp && _surfer.moveType != MoveType.Noclip)
                    _surfer.moveData.surfaceFriction = _config.airFriction;

                return false;

            } else {

                groundNormal = trace.planeNormal;
                SetGround (trace.hitCollider.gameObject);
                return true;



        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        private void SetGround (GameObject obj) {

            if (obj != null) {

                _surfer.groundObject = obj;
                _surfer.moveData.velocity.y = 0;

            } else
                _surfer.groundObject = null;


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <param name="layerMask"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Trace TraceBounds (Vector3 start, Vector3 end, int layerMask) {

            return Tracer.TraceCollider (_surfer.collider, start, end, layerMask);


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Trace TraceToFloor () {

            var down = _surfer.moveData.origin;
            down.y -= 0.15f;

            return Tracer.TraceCollider (_surfer.collider, _surfer.moveData.origin, down, SurfPhysics.groundLayerMask);


        public void Crouch (ISurfControllable surfer, MovementConfig config, float deltaTime) {

            _surfer = surfer;
            _config = config;
            _deltaTime = deltaTime;

            if (_surfer == null)

            if (_surfer.collider == null)

            bool grounded = _surfer.groundObject != null;
            bool wantsToCrouch = _surfer.moveData.crouching;

            float crouchingHeight = Mathf.Clamp (_surfer.moveData.crouchingHeight, 0.01f, 1f);
            float heightDifference = _surfer.moveData.defaultHeight - _surfer.moveData.defaultHeight * crouchingHeight;

            if (grounded)
                uncrouchDown = false;

            // Crouching input
            if (grounded)
                crouchLerp = Mathf.Lerp (crouchLerp, wantsToCrouch ? 1f : 0f, _deltaTime * _surfer.moveData.crouchingSpeed);
            else if (!grounded && !wantsToCrouch && crouchLerp < 0.95f)
                crouchLerp = 0f;
            else if (!grounded && wantsToCrouch)
                crouchLerp = 1f;

            // Collider and position changing
            if (crouchLerp > 0.9f && !crouching) {

                // Begin crouching
                crouching = true;
                if (_surfer.collider.GetType () == typeof (BoxCollider)) {

                    // Box collider
                    BoxCollider boxCollider = (BoxCollider)_surfer.collider;
                    boxCollider.size = new Vector3 (boxCollider.size.x, _surfer.moveData.defaultHeight * crouchingHeight, boxCollider.size.z);

                } else if (_surfer.collider.GetType () == typeof (CapsuleCollider)) {

                    // Capsule collider
                    CapsuleCollider capsuleCollider = (CapsuleCollider)_surfer.collider;
                    capsuleCollider.height = _surfer.moveData.defaultHeight * crouchingHeight;


                // Move position and stuff
                _surfer.moveData.origin += heightDifference / 2 * (grounded ? Vector3.down : Vector3.up);
                foreach (Transform child in playerTransform) {

                    if (child == _surfer.moveData.viewTransform)

                    child.localPosition = new Vector3 (child.localPosition.x, child.localPosition.y * crouchingHeight, child.localPosition.z);


                uncrouchDown = !grounded;

            } else if (crouching) {

                // Check if the player can uncrouch
                bool canUncrouch = true;
                if (_surfer.collider.GetType () == typeof (BoxCollider)) {

                    // Box collider
                    BoxCollider boxCollider = (BoxCollider)_surfer.collider;
                    Vector3 halfExtents = boxCollider.size * 0.5f;
                    Vector3 startPos = boxCollider.transform.position;
                    Vector3 endPos = boxCollider.transform.position + (uncrouchDown ? Vector3.down : Vector3.up) * heightDifference;

                    Trace trace = Tracer.TraceBox (startPos, endPos, halfExtents, boxCollider.contactOffset, SurfPhysics.groundLayerMask);

                    if (trace.hitCollider != null)
                        canUncrouch = false;

                } else if (_surfer.collider.GetType () == typeof (CapsuleCollider)) {

                    // Capsule collider
                    CapsuleCollider capsuleCollider = (CapsuleCollider)_surfer.collider;
                    Vector3 point1 = capsuleCollider.center + Vector3.up * capsuleCollider.height * 0.5f;
                    Vector3 point2 = capsuleCollider.center + Vector3.down * capsuleCollider.height * 0.5f;
                    Vector3 startPos = capsuleCollider.transform.position;
                    Vector3 endPos = capsuleCollider.transform.position + (uncrouchDown ? Vector3.down : Vector3.up) * heightDifference;

                    Trace trace = Tracer.TraceCapsule (point1, point2, capsuleCollider.radius, startPos, endPos, capsuleCollider.contactOffset, SurfPhysics.groundLayerMask);

                    if (trace.hitCollider != null)
                        canUncrouch = false;


                // Uncrouch
                if (canUncrouch && crouchLerp <= 0.9f) {

                    crouching = false;
                    if (_surfer.collider.GetType () == typeof (BoxCollider)) {

                        // Box collider
                        BoxCollider boxCollider = (BoxCollider)_surfer.collider;
                        boxCollider.size = new Vector3 (boxCollider.size.x, _surfer.moveData.defaultHeight, boxCollider.size.z);

                    } else if (_surfer.collider.GetType () == typeof (CapsuleCollider)) {

                        // Capsule collider
                        CapsuleCollider capsuleCollider = (CapsuleCollider)_surfer.collider;
                        capsuleCollider.height = _surfer.moveData.defaultHeight;


                    // Move position and stuff
                    _surfer.moveData.origin += heightDifference / 2 * (uncrouchDown ? Vector3.down : Vector3.up);
                    foreach (Transform child in playerTransform) {

                        child.localPosition = new Vector3 (child.localPosition.x, child.localPosition.y / crouchingHeight, child.localPosition.z);



                if (!canUncrouch)
                    crouchLerp = 1f;


            // Changing camera position
            if (!crouching)
                _surfer.moveData.viewTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp (_surfer.moveData.viewTransformDefaultLocalPos, _surfer.moveData.viewTransformDefaultLocalPos * crouchingHeight + Vector3.down * heightDifference * 0.5f, crouchLerp);
                _surfer.moveData.viewTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp (_surfer.moveData.viewTransformDefaultLocalPos - Vector3.down * heightDifference * 0.5f, _surfer.moveData.viewTransformDefaultLocalPos * crouchingHeight, crouchLerp);


        void SlideMovement () {

            // Gradually change direction
            slideDirection += new Vector3 (groundNormal.x, 0f, groundNormal.z) * slideSpeedCurrent * _deltaTime;
            slideDirection = slideDirection.normalized;

            // Set direction
            Vector3 slideForward = Vector3.Cross (groundNormal, Quaternion.AngleAxis (-90, Vector3.up) * slideDirection);

            // Set the velocity
            slideSpeedCurrent -= _config.slideFriction * _deltaTime;
            slideSpeedCurrent = Mathf.Clamp (slideSpeedCurrent, 0f, _config.maximumSlideSpeed);
            slideSpeedCurrent -= (slideForward * slideSpeedCurrent).y * _deltaTime * _config.downhillSlideSpeedMultiplier; // Accelerate downhill (-y = downward, - * - = +)

            _surfer.moveData.velocity = slideForward * slideSpeedCurrent;

            // Jump
            if (_surfer.moveData.wishJump && slideSpeedCurrent < _config.minimumSlideSpeed * _config.slideSpeedMultiplier) {

                Jump ();




Here's what it's doing


Your help is GREATLY appreciated!

Thank You!

Thundros commented 3 years ago

Can someone please help?

Thundros commented 3 years ago


halfmexican commented 2 years ago

@Thundros I haven't been able to completely remove the gap when landing onto the ground but I think I found the source. It's the result of how the script determines the floor. It uses it own Trace and Tracers. In SurfController.cs there is a method called TraceToFloor which has a var called down which determines the endpoint of the TraceCollider which determines when your on the ground. Shrink this value minimizes the problem but setting it 0 breaks movement.