export from html produces no file, no error, except that the message appears truncated
"Pandoc export as (docx , odt., etc) via"
export using markdown works fine.
I get a message "exporting {file path} to word/odt,/etc" and path is correct.
using mostly default settings, eg. no css inject, convert to text, neither theme, path to pandoc is correct, export same as folder (blank),
I have tried it on 2 machines, one with pdflatex,. The one with pdflatex gives an additional message: "pandoc failed" message.
using latest plugin * obsidian .15.9 on mac monterey.
The file itself is very simple, just a bunch of simple markdown and a few admonitions. no references, data-view, etc.
export from html produces no file, no error, except that the message appears truncated "Pandoc export as (docx , odt., etc) via"
export using markdown works fine.
I get a message "exporting {file path} to word/odt,/etc" and path is correct.
using mostly default settings, eg. no css inject, convert to text, neither theme, path to pandoc is correct, export same as folder (blank), I have tried it on 2 machines, one with pdflatex,. The one with pdflatex gives an additional message: "pandoc failed" message.
using latest plugin * obsidian .15.9 on mac monterey.
The file itself is very simple, just a bunch of simple markdown and a few admonitions. no references, data-view, etc.