OnapleRPG / Brawlator

Sponge Minecraft plugin to generate custom spawners
Apache License 2.0
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[Request] Add Sponge Economy API support #2

Open SirFancyBacon opened 4 years ago

SirFancyBacon commented 4 years ago

I will be first to admit i have never written a line of Java in my life!

But i believe this captures the idea of what i mean, and how it works.

// sponge things
import "org.spongepowered.api.Sponge";
import "org.spongepowered.api.service.economy.EconomyService";
// java things
import "java.util.UUID";
import "java.math.BigDecimal";

var uuid = //whatever the uuid of player whoever killed it
var value = //value pulled from monsters.conf

public class spongeEconomyDeposit(uuid,value){
    var account = org.spongepowered.api.service.economy.EconomyService.getOrCreateAccount(UUID.fromString(uuid)) //gets Economy Account for the Player.
    var value = java.util.UUID(value) //value in () is value to be deposited.
    var currency = org.spongepowered.api.service.economy.EconomyService.getDefaultCurrency() //gets DefaultCurrency of the Economy Plugin
    var cause = org.spongepowered.api.Sponge.getCauseStackManager().getCurrentCause() //gets the Cause Manager from Sponge

        account.get().deposit(currency,value,cause) //deposit amount of value into players account.


SirFancyBacon commented 4 years ago

I definitely know this will not work.. But to expand upon the above into more Java-esque syntax.

import org.spongepowered.api.entity.living.player.Player;
import org.spongepowered.api.service.economy.EconomyService;
import org.spongepowered.api.service.economy.account.UniqueAccount;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Optional;
import com.onaple.brawlator.events.BrawlatorEntityDiedEvent;
import com.onaple.brawlator.BrawlatorKeys;

      Optional<EconomyService> serviceOpt = Sponge.getServiceManager().provide(EconomyService.class);
      if (serviceOpt.isPresent()) {
              EconomyService economyService = serviceOpt.get();
              //Do stuff wheb a Mob dies below this line...
              Account account = economyService.getOrCreateAccount(UUID.fromString(getPlayer.getUUID()); //gets Economy Account for the Player. **Need to get UUID of player that killed Mob this probably won't work.
              BigDecimal depositAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf(BrawlatorKeys.CURRENCYDROP); //Loads data from Brawlator Config for amount of currency to drop. **Needs configuration in Brawlator.
                        if (depositAmount.isPresent()) {
                            account.deposit(economyService.getDefaultCurrency(),depositAmount,Sponge.getCauseStackManager().getCurrentCause()); //Think this should work but honestly it's untested; should also add a cause since it'll just do it when the code runs.
        log("No Economy plugin detected... Skipping Economy Support"); //can you use log in Java? needs testing.
obr-09 commented 4 years ago

It is definitely doable if it is among the Sponge library features!
We would probably add the money property (or interval if randomly picked between x and y) in the monster configuration. (We could also consider it like a loot in the loot tables for more control... But I believe this would be more confusing)

Not a very hard task either I believe. Will see what I can do next time I work on this