Open streamsend-io opened 1 month ago
Thanks for the request. Can you clarify how changing the entrypoint would create a slimmer container? All the runtime Java classes would still be there. Connect standalone still runs a jetty server.
Hi, Clarification: I am acknowlodging that this container is slimmer than cp-connect. Adding a tag capability for connectStandalone would not impact the container size, AFAIK.
Changing the endpoint to use "org.apache.kafka.connect.cli.ConnectStandaloneWrapper" returns ERROR " Could not find or load main class org.apache.kafka.connect.cli.ConnectStandaloneWrapper" I'm unfamiliar with "ConnectDistributedWrapper" - where is this defined?
Changing the entrypoint to that isn't possible, since that class doesn't exist.
This is a great container and works well - thank you. A slimmer container creates a stonger use case for "connect at the edge" - since the smaller footprint enables source connectors to stream from edge locations. These containers are unlikely to run in connect-distributed mode; instead they would run in connect-standalone mode.
A connect-standalone tag would