This is just keeping a record of ideas rather than a suggest for immediate improvements but I've noticed it's common for places like zoos to put out QR code for species so people can learn more - and in the case of smaller organisations these do not point to the website of the zoo itself, they point to places like IUCN. OneZoom could potentially have a role here in case we have nice summary pages generated for species or incase evolutionary information was wanted, or in case the zoo makes a tour and wants to QR code its tour. There probably isn't much development to do here and it's more about marketing of the opportunity
This is just keeping a record of ideas rather than a suggest for immediate improvements but I've noticed it's common for places like zoos to put out QR code for species so people can learn more - and in the case of smaller organisations these do not point to the website of the zoo itself, they point to places like IUCN. OneZoom could potentially have a role here in case we have nice summary pages generated for species or incase evolutionary information was wanted, or in case the zoo makes a tour and wants to QR code its tour. There probably isn't much development to do here and it's more about marketing of the opportunity