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Generating-PWM-Signals.md - Expand text for go-pwm-example to include… #81

Closed chmorgan closed 5 years ago

chmorgan commented 5 years ago

… the full url so the reader knows it is on github and for better usage when converted to pdf.

The app note here, https://onion.io/2bt-mar19-2019/, doesn't appear to have a clickable url for the repository. Without the full url users may not be able to find the example project so expanded the url in this document assuming the app note was generated from this content directly.

It should be possible to have that link work, not sure why that link isn't but the above link to syses is...

Anyway, it still might be good to have the full url so its possible to tell the link is to GitHub.

greenbreakfast commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Updated the downloadable PDF and confirmed the link works: https://github.com/OnionIoT/Omega2/blob/master/Documents/Application%20Notes/Omega2S%20App%20Note%20-%20Generating%20PWM%20Signals.pdf