OnionIoT / Onion-Docs

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feature more projects such as FreeBSD and u-root on the Omega (1 and 2) #84

Open orangecms opened 4 years ago

orangecms commented 4 years ago


I still have an Omega 1 here, and I'm looking into buying an Omega 2 soon. I'd like to contribute some efforts from my side, and it would be nice if they and others could be featured / referenced.

Some folks have brought FreeBSD to the Omega 2, see https://github.com/ZakSN/FreeBSD-onion-omega2-build-notes/blob/master/freebsd_omega2%2B.md and https://twitter.com/allanjude/status/666495547650412544.

For u-root.org, we recently added MIPS support, and I am experimenting with multiple boards now to see how far it would get, retaining the existing bootloader and kernel and swapping out the rootfs. The Omega 1 is my next target.

Now I have a few questions regarding that:

greenbreakfast commented 4 years ago

@orangecms u-root definitely looks interesting!

  • Could you readd references to the Omega 1? I tried tracing down where it was deprecated, but would like to have docs.

Onion-Docs was actually introduced with the Omega2, so there are no references to the original Omega. The documentation for the original Omega can be found here: https://onioniot.github.io/wiki/ (The repo itself is here: https://github.com/OnionIoT/wiki)

  • Are you open to having that in the docs at all? If so, I'll file some PRs; otherwise, I'd put that elsewhere. It would be awesome to have everything in place. :)

Definitely! For the Omega2 please submit PRs here, and for Omega1 in this repo: https://github.com/OnionIoT/wiki You can also post about your work on the Onion community forum: https://community.onion.io/

Can I ask why the focus on the original Omega? While it was great in it's time, it hasn't been produced since 2015.

We strongly recommend upgrading to the Omega2 family, the hardware is more powerful, it’s a more mature product, and we've done a lot of work to make it a great IoT computer.