Closed riperat closed 1 month ago
@riperat - thank you for submitting a PR. Can you provide some insight as to why yopu feel OpenAS2 would benfit from using the Jakarta package of the javax.mail API? It would help to provide technical reasons why you feel this is a good move for the project.
@uhurusurfa As you know, Oracle owns the name "Java" trademark, and Java EE has been rebranded to Jakarta EE, necessitating a package relocation. So, since javax packages are deprecated by their Jakarta counterparts, migrating to the Jakarta namespace is a must to use current versions of Mail dependency.
@riperat - thanks for the insight - I was not aware of the underlying issue of name-spacing.
@riperat - the CI/CD pipeline is failing. This particular failure is related to Java cacerts that allow it to verify the downloaded packages for some maven zips and the only fix I have figured out is to upload a custm cacerts file that is the very latest available. Please overwrite the cacerts file in the root folder with a newer one and see if it fixes the failing tests.
Change the file .github/workflow/action.yml.
For the Maven build run command, change it to this:
Not sure why it is now needed but running the "clean" command fixes it on my test branch.
@uhurusurfa Is this change going to be introduced in the next release? I'm asking because I see that the CI is failing again after we fixed It.
The change is incomplete and that is why there are failures. I will rasie a PR against your branch to fix it.
Hi, is there something I can do to make it ready for the next release, I'm asking because I need the change for a project I'm working on.
The test HealthCheckTest.shouldRespondToHealthCheckOnNetModule() fails and needs to be fixed.