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[BOSS] Trickster #87

Closed Wujekklawy closed 6 years ago

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

Mad Jester and his tricks.


Phase 1 (100%~40% hp)

Phase 2 (~40%-0% hp)

On start of phase 2 create 7 (to choose by dev, preferable more than 5) illusions of himself, illusions work like arc warden ones, can use all his abilities, illusions deal around 70% of his damage and take around 20% more damage. Illusions don't disapire (unless main jester was killed).

General idea of combat.

First phase is basically for players learn moves of Trickster and how to avoid them. Boss is pretty easy to figure out and can be easily beaten on phase 1. The second phase is a chaos, this part is main fight, % of health is so low from 2 reasons, to beat phase 2 players must know almost everything about boss and second one to be able to kill boss/clones faster.

Visuals and other.


  1. Throws daggers.
  2. Spins around.
  3. Invis similar to one in Heroes of the storm.
  4. Walk spinning his arms.

Hero In my vision of boss he is a Jester and his fight style is awkward. His looks and fighting style are similar to one from dark souls.(i think from DS)His weak spot is ground target spells and AoE, but melee heroes can struggle against him because of his move set. Of course feel free to change things to your vision if you think about adding him to game

Haganeko commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the idea! These are some interesting mechanics. Please focus on them, instead of flavor/lore. For example, instead of saying the boss throws daggers, say it throws projectiles. Question: when you say the illusions would be like arc warden's, do you mean they would also be clearly identified as such?

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

I meant to more ilustrate how illusion would work and arc one is closest to that.

A: actually i not thinked about that option at all, it depends on how you want to make fight, if give high durable to boss it would be good idea to make them clearly identified but actually one of reasons i sugestet so low hp % left on phase 2 is to decrease time to kill them also keeping so low bonus dmg to them to be harder to identify real one. So long story short, i maked it to illusions be not easily identified, and to kill real one would take to kill 1-2 illusions before identify real one. But if wanted it could be easily identify, that just would need some modification in strength of main one.

Haganeko commented 7 years ago

Any updates on this, given the comments above? If at all possible, try to format this better - #37 has a very useful template for this.

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

@Haganeko any updates depends on dev team :) not on me ;)

Haganeko commented 7 years ago

You hadn't addressed the concerns with this idea. As it currently is, it would be hard to use it or even gauge how good it would be for implementation. Since you said you didn't wish to update it, and no one else took it up, I considered the topic abandoned.

Wujekklawy commented 7 years ago

@Haganeko It nit useing anything that dota don't have already, slightly modified Abbilities that are already in game first abbility can be modified sacred arrow second one is just modified jugger spin therd one is modified shadow blade forth one is AI triggered magnus dash mixed with meteor and last one is modified lone druid roar. Phase 2 is bassicly creating Arc warden like ilusions. If you want i can rewrite it so it will be more of mechanical side but for now I'm not able to do it in comfortable way (laptop was for while out of order and will be that way for non specified time)

Haganeko commented 6 years ago

This boss has four abilities, each one unrelated to the others. The phase progression is not intuitive, and the invisibility is likely to get annoying. Plus, there is a lot of fluff in the post. Closed.