A clear and concise description of what the client wants and WHY.
For example: [Insert use case here]
The specific request, in as few words as possible
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
Things to include as needed:
The number of jobs needed to be created or updated
The function of each job including specific resources and operations
Unique identifiers
Links to mapping specifications, data flow diagrams, sample input/output data, and any API documentation
Create jobs 1 &2 in which OpenFn gets cases from Primero and gets the case and services, maps the Primero extract and upserts to Progres
1. Get referral data: GET /api/v2/cases -- where service_implementing_agency='UNHCR'
This should return: https://github.com/OpenFn/primero-progres/blob/master/sampleData/primero_sample_state.json
2. Map Primero response to DTP/Progres interface. The field progres_primeroid will be the primary uid used by DTP.
3. Upload referrals to DTP/Progres: POST https://antirrio.azure-api.net/primero-uat/ReceiveIncomingReferral
Expected data volumes
How many records do we think these jobs will need to process in each run? For example:
When you GET data from Primero, this may return up to 1000 records. There are no known Primero API limits for # of records, but there is API paging to consider.
Either provide state directly, or link to a file. If sensitive information
should be in state, redact it and provide instructions for where it can be
"configuration": ["SEE LAST PASS: 'client cred'"],
"data": { LINK TO STATE },
"cursor": "2020-01-19 00:00:00"
For new jobs, describe the number of jobs needed and the high-level function of each job. Also include the trigger on platform and the adaptor needed for each job.
For existing jobs, provide a link to the job itself in Github and the high-level changes needed to be made. _Provide the information below for each job that is required._
Background, context, and business value
A clear and concise description of what the client wants and WHY.
For example: [Insert use case here]
The specific request, in as few words as possible
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
Things to include as needed:
Expected data volumes
How many records do we think these jobs will need to process in each run? For example:
Either provide state directly, or link to a file. If sensitive information should be in state, redact it and provide instructions for where it can be found.
For new jobs, describe the number of jobs needed and the high-level function of each job. Also include the trigger on platform and the adaptor needed for each job. For existing jobs, provide a link to the job itself in Github and the high-level changes needed to be made. _Provide the information below for each job that is required._
job name
Name of the Toggle project to log work