OpenFn / openfn-lime-pilot

MSF LIME Project - OpenFn Workflows for Iraq Pilot
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Setup MSF dev project on lightening #51

Closed AishaHassen closed 2 weeks ago

AishaHassen commented 1 month ago

Background, context, and business value

A clear and concise description of what the client wants and WHY.

For example: [Insert use case here]

The specific request, in as few words as possible

A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
Things to include as needed:

Create jobs 1 &2 in which OpenFn gets cases from Primero and gets the case and services, maps the Primero extract and upserts to Progres

1. Get referral data: GET /api/v2/cases -- where service_implementing_agency='UNHCR'
   This should return:
2. Map Primero response to DTP/Progres interface. The field progres_primeroid will be the primary uid used by DTP.
3. Upload referrals to DTP/Progres: POST

Expected data volumes

How many records do we think these jobs will need to process in each run? For example:

When you GET data from Primero, this may return up to 1000 records. There are no known Primero API limits for # of records, but there is API paging to consider.


Either provide state directly, or link to a file. If sensitive information should be in state, redact it and provide instructions for where it can be found.

  "configuration": ["SEE LAST PASS: 'client cred'"],
  "data": { LINK TO STATE },
  "cursor": "2020-01-19 00:00:00"


For new jobs, describe the number of jobs needed and the high-level function of each job. Also include the trigger on platform and the adaptor needed for each job. For existing jobs, provide a link to the job itself in Github and the high-level changes needed to be made. _Provide the information below for each job that is required._

job name






Name of the Toggle project to log work