OpenIxia / IxNetwork

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fixed minor errors reported by user Ashlesh. I did basic unit testing. #98

Closed therkong closed 4 years ago

therkong commented 4 years ago

• In file RestApi/Python/Modules/ the following code uses 300 instead of timeout that is passed in argument list of function assignPorts: • response = self.ixnObj.waitForComplete(response, url + '/' + response.json()['id'], silentMode=False, timeout=300, ignoreException=True) • In file RestApi/Python/Modules/, == is used in the function init of class Connect: • if self.serverOs == 'windows': • self.logInfo('Connecting to API server: windows') • self.httpScheme = 'http' •
• if self.apiServerPort is None: • self.apiServerPort == 11009 • else: • self.apiServerPort == serverIpPort • In RestApi/Python/Modules/ in function getAllOpenSessionIds, pprint and return should be removed: • from pprint import pprint • pprint(response.json()) • return