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Increase the number of entries available in RSS feed #2718

Open dougbreaux opened 2 years ago

dougbreaux commented 2 years ago

From discussion at

Having just discovered the blog, I'd like my feed reader to "catch up" with all posts. So I'd prefer the feed to go back as far as it exists. Which is pretty normal for feeds, in my experience.

kinueng commented 2 years ago

Hi @dougbreaux, Can you share what RSS reader tool you use?

I have noticed that some RSS readers (e.g. Newsblur, Feedly) have access to entries that are no longer present in the RSS feed (i.e. This suggests that some RSS readers are storing older entries from previous fetches for entries.

Caching old entries is nice but the drawback would be that revisions to older blog posts may not show up in some RSS readers.

I will need to spend more time looking into the details of RSS feeds and readers.

kinueng commented 2 years ago

At this time, we have 212 blog posts. Increasing jekyll-assets from 10 to a value greater than 212 would increase the size of feed.xml. I still need to observe the file increase if all the blog posts were packed into feed.xml.

dougbreaux commented 2 years ago

I'm using Thunderbird.

And if I'd gotten them earlier, they'd still be cached. It's when somebody grabs the feed after the fact that it needs to get more than the last 10. Hundreds, or even thousands, of feed entries are pretty normal. See podcast feeds, for instance, where you can usually go back the entire history of the podcast.

dougbreaux commented 7 months ago

Quick poke on this one

natalie-bernhard commented 4 months ago

Information on how to increase RSS entries via plugin config here:

SteveSamJacob19 commented 3 months ago

@kinueng @natalie-bernhard There are around 302 posts as of now, when increasing the limit to 300, the .xml file increases its size from 280kb to 5.4mb with an increase of around 70k lines of code. Should this approach be continued?

mbroz2 commented 2 months ago

Have we considered having two feeds: the one we currently have that has only the latest 10 posts, and a new one that has all of them?

SteveSamJacob19 commented 2 months ago

How would that solve the problem of having a massively increased file size? I know that storage is a huge problem for the website right now.

dougbreaux commented 2 months ago

How is a 5.4mb file a huge problem?

mbroz2 commented 2 months ago

I thought the concern was regarding the file being large for the end user, not the site infrastructure (for example, on mobile network, especially since this file will grow with each new blog).

SteveSamJacob19 commented 2 months ago

I must have gotten confused with the file being large for the site infrastructure since we are having a storage problem right now, but ive been told that this file size is fine. Should i continue with increasing the existing RSS feeds or do we try the 2 feeds approach. If the latter, would it need a new design?

mbroz2 commented 1 month ago

RSS feeds are usually intended to notify and provide the user with an update from a site. I think it's normal (at least from what I've seen personally, but also as indicated by the default of 10 in the jekyll plugin) for the feeds (particularly in tech/news) to only return the most recent content rather than from the beginning of the feed (though it's not uncommon for RSS readers/clients to cache old articles).

I would be hesitant to change the existing feed from the most recent 10 to all articles, unless it was done via something like pagination (RFC5005, though I doubt the jekyll plugin supports it... which again would indicate that RSS feeds are usually limited to the most recent content).

If there's a want/need for a feed that has all articles, then I would advocate for creating a new feed (e.g feed-all.xml).