OpenLightingProject / libartnet

An Open Source implementation of the ArtNet protocol
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
123 stars 56 forks source link

Random initialization of node unsuccessful #2

Open mixman68 opened 10 years ago

mixman68 commented 10 years ago


I have a little problem with the libartnet on a iPad,

Sometimes, the library cannot initialize the node but it's random, sometimes it's ok, sometimes it's not ok.

            artnet_node artnetNode = artnet_new(ip_addr, 0);

            if (!artnetNode) {
                printf("Error: %s\n", artnet_strerror());
                throw new SenderException(artnet_strerror());

            artnet_set_long_name(artnetNode, "Art-Net AirDMX");
            artnet_set_short_name(artnetNode, "AirDMX");

            // set the upper 4 bits of the universe address
            artnet_set_subnet_addr(artnetNode, subnet_addr);

            // enable port 0
            artnet_set_port_type(artnetNode, 0, ARTNET_ENABLE_OUTPUT, ARTNET_PORT_DMX);

            // bind port 0 to universe 1
            artnet_set_port_addr(artnetNode, 0, ARTNET_OUTPUT_PORT, port_addr);


            //artnet_set_handler(artnetNode, ARTNET_RECV_HANDLER, artnetReceiver, NULL);

            if (artnet_start(artnetNode) != 0) {
                printf("Error: %s\n", artnet_strerror());
                throw new SenderException(artnet_strerror());


nomis52 commented 10 years ago

What errors do you see?

Cclleemm commented 10 years ago

Hello, I Have dames problems than djgreg13 ... The sender didn't want to work on Mavericks and it's completely random for iOS7. I have no idea why it can't find Interfaces. If you have some indications, I will be happy. Thank's.