OpenMeridian / Meridian59

The MMORPG Meridian 59 - Server 103
143 stars 75 forks source link

Personal Player Castles #242

Open M59Gar opened 10 years ago

M59Gar commented 10 years ago

So this is something old MUDs did, and Ultima Online had a version of it with housing. We could do this with instancing - basically this would be a money sink for players so inclined.

Each player could buy a 'castle' somewhere that they could spend shillings on to improve, make larger, fill with objects, and so on. It could have its own vault, or your personal shop bot, or anything else. Basically like a personal guild hall. It could be PvPable, or it could not be. It could be used as a rescue / elusion point, or your hometown possibly.

It's like a rented room, but taken to the extremes of coolness. I don't think it would cost money to maintain, only to build and improve.

Any interest in something like this?

ghost commented 10 years ago

Why not take the room concept and expand it?

I think expanding from the room concept will take less time from the programmers and can achieve the same goal to add to the game. Also, instead of making it a money sinker only, why not using you old idea about killing mobs to "lower" for the rent? For example, any toon that owns a key, each time it kills a mob, reduce the daily rent by 1 shilling.

The game needs less "rebalancing" and more diversity and new stuff.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

Sounds interesting, Gar, especially if you bring new architecture in it, with different styles. You know, just like cities have its style - compare marion with tos, or even island. Island has its damn interesting style, pictures on walls, new language. I always feel impression about how it was done back in those days. So, i can see it this way: you pick the style out of 3-4-? how many types developers can create? Recieve an empty castle, and build it, expand, put new buildings maybe, something usefull for decent cash or some really interesting quests for really usefull additions. There might be a servant who can make what you order him within your casltle level, like mend an item, (99% - you need to max it just like you max it on a toon first), enchant an item to some school, identify, make potions - just a cool replacement of mules but with a better spellpower possible when you max your castle level. You can share a key with other toons (friends) - and pick a price which ppl should pay to enter your castle. (you invested a lot into this place, so you might want some comeback :) I dont actually know how hard it will be to code, design, produce, but the idea worths it i think. Also, imagine that type of feature - when you have a maxed castle - there appears a portal ONCE per day, which leads to some boss lair. ITs extremely hard to kill (you will need friends), but it gives very good loot with a small chance. Maybe its too deep already, just a fantasy. So, ppl who are on 103 to pvp wont even bother with this whole shit, but Deleruim type of ppl will have their imaginary world which they can improve and be proud of.. Interesting. But there should also be something avaliable to continue to build at a maxed toon. (old theme about additional stats, or rising HP limit by 5 after each "reroll")

skittles1 commented 10 years ago

Really "artiom"? Real life insults on github? This is supposed to be a place for mature, intelligent discussion so perhaps you should leave until you fulfill those two criteria. Daenks, I was unable to find any method to report that post but I'd appreciate it if his comment were edited or just outright removed. There's no need for that kind of talk here.

Daenks commented 10 years ago

I edited it. We put up with a lot of insult slinging and name calling in game. That kind of behavior will not be tolerated on github any longer.

Fike103 commented 10 years ago

There was no insults. Straight facts. These words which were erased are common to everyone including me (as long as it is pixel world and we all sit here). At the same time i do agree, that my phylosophycal difinition of fake life was not at proper place. I am asking to appologise me.

SinM59 commented 10 years ago

Interesting idea but it would need to provide some sort of additional benefit. As is I doubt many people are rushing to buy rooms and have chests with infinite vault space and conveyance. If we could insert personalized npcs, or have some sort of bonuses to justify high rental costs/upkeep. Otherwise some people may think the cool factor isn't worthy enough to worry about maintenance on a keep.

M59Gar commented 10 years ago

"I don't think it would cost money to maintain, only to build and improve."

Not a fan of rent :)