OpenNebula / one-apps

Toolchain to build OpenNebula appliances
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Add basic cloud-init userdata primitives to one-context #129

Closed sk4zuzu closed 1 week ago

sk4zuzu commented 1 month ago

Because of the cluster-api implementation for OpenNebula we found ourselves in a need to parse cloud-init compatible user-data structure in one-context (linux).

For now the requirement is to support basic yaml structure like the following:

-   path: /run/cluster-api/placeholder
    owner: root:root
    permissions: '0640'
    content: "This placeholder file is used to create the /run/cluster-api sub directory in a way that is compatible with both Linux and Windows (mkdir -p /run/cluster-api does not work with Windows)"
  - 'kubeadm init --config /run/kubeadm/kubeadm.yaml  && echo success > /run/cluster-api/bootstrap-success.complete'
  - "set -e; if test -d /etc/kubernetes/super-admin.conf; then\n\n   mv /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-vip.yaml /var/tmp/;\n   sleep 1;\n   rmdir /etc/kubernetes/super-admin.conf/ || true;\n   kubeadm init phase kubeconfig super-admin || true;\n   mv /var/tmp/kube-vip.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/; fi"
  1. Fully implemented write_files: and runcmd: is something we need to progress with cluster API, one-context (linux) has to decode and parse the userdata, then create files and run commands.
  2. This solution for passing the yaml userdata in the VM context seems reasonable.
  3. An example config in a running VM in OpenNebula would look like:
    CONTEXT = [
      USER_DATA = "<some base64 string here>",
      USER_DATA_ENCODING = "base64"
  4. For parsing the yaml itself ruby can be used as it's assumed to be available.