OpenOmics / genome-seek

Clinical Whole Genome and Exome Sequencing Pipeline
MIT License
18 stars 11 forks source link

TODO: v1.0.0 Release #13

Open skchronicles opened 2 years ago

skchronicles commented 2 years ago

Germline Pipeline

This will prevent any unnecessary compute and will reduce overall runtime.

Fix strelka issue

Filtering from GATK is not working for strelka, resolved by adding these two commands before it goes to norm & splitting:

bcftools concat -Ov -a  \
    -D somatic.snvs.vcf.gz somatic.indels.vcf.gz \
    -o strelka.merge.indel.snps.vcf
java -Xmx16g -cp /data/OpenOmics/references/genome-seek/hmftools/purple_v3.2.jar -in strelka.merge.indel.snps.vcf -out strelka.merge.indel.snps.annotated.vcf.gz

Next fix is for spliting TUMOR from strelka. When splitting we cannot use "-c1" for strelka as we don't have the tag in vcf file to check for --min-ac/--max-ac. We need to update the tumor splitting command for strelka to remove -c1:

bcftools view -s TUMOR  -Oz -o strelka.tumor.vcf.gz \

Tumor only

Need to update rule all so that the strelka and muse output files do not get created for tumor-only samples

skchronicles commented 11 months ago

Add support for WES data